Module bitcoin::util::bip158[][src]

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BIP158 Compact Block Filters for Light Clients

Implements a structure for compact filters on block data, for use in the BIP 157 light client protocol. The filter construction proposed is an alternative to Bloom filters, as used in BIP 37, that minimizes filter size by using Golomb-Rice coding for compression.


fn get_script_for_coin(coin: &OutPoint) -> Result<Script, BlockFilterError> {
  // get utxo ...
// create a block filter for a block (server side)
let filter = BlockFilter::new_script_filter(&block, get_script_for_coin)?;

// or create a filter from known raw data
let filter = BlockFilter::new(content);
// read and evaluate a filter
let query: Iterator<Item=Script> = // .. some scripts you care about
if filter.match_any(&block_hash, &mut|s| s.as_bytes())) {
  // get this block


Bitwise stream reader

Bitwise stream writer

a computed or read block filter

Reads and interpret a block filter

Compiles and writes a block filter

Golomb-Rice encoded filter reader

Colomb-Rice encoded filter writer


Errors for blockfilter