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Implements Serialize and Deserialize for a struct. All members also have to implement Serialize and Deserialize. Members can be annotated with the following attributes:

  • SizeBytes<N, T> to set the size bytes of a data structure. N can be 1, 2, 4 or 8.
  • Added<N, T> states that the member was added in revision N.
  • Removed<N, T> states that the member was removed in revision N. This also removes the member from the struct, it will only be used in the Deserialize implementation to skip it in old data.

The attributes can be chained in any meaningful order. SizeBytes always has to be the innermost attribute if present.


struct Example {
    a: i32,                                 // Always present 
    b: Added<2, f32>,                       // Added in revision 2.
    c: Removed<4, Added<2, u16>>,           // Also added in revision 2 and removed in revision 4 again. The macro will remove this field.
    d: Added<6, SizeBytes<2, Vec<i32>>>,    // Added in revision 6. The Vec can't serialize with more than 65536 elements.
    e: SizeBytes<1, String> ,               // A string with a maximum length of 255 bytes when serialized.