[][src]Module bindle::filters

A filtering library for extracing parcels from a bindle.

A bindle's invoice may contain many different parcels. And those parcels may have groups and features associated with them. This library provides a way to filter a list of parcels, returning only the specific parcels applicable to the given scenario.

The recommended way of running a filter is using the BindleFilter builder:

use bindle::filters::BindleFilter;

let toml = r#"
   bindleVersion = "1.0.0"

   name = "test/is-disabled"
   version = "0.1.0"

   name = "is_required"
   required = true

   name = "is_optional"

   name = "also_optional"

   name = "first"
   sha256 = "12345"
   mediaType = "application/octet-stream"
   size = 123
   memberOf = ["is_required"]

   name = "second"
   sha256 = "4321"
   mediaType = "application/octet-stream"
   size = 321
   memberOf = ["is_optional", "also_optional"]

   name = "third"
   sha256 = "4321"
   mediaType = "application/octet-stream"
   size = 321
   memberOf = ["also_optional"]
let inv: bindle::Invoice = toml::from_str(toml).expect("test invoice parsed");

let filter = BindleFilter::new(inv).filter();
assert_eq!(1, filter.len());

It can also be used for enabling or disabling parcel features. For example, here's an invoice that uses features:

use bindle::filters::BindleFilter;
let toml = r#"
bindleVersion = "1.0.0"
name = "test/activate"
version = "0.1.0"

name = "narwhal_handler"
sha256 = "12345"
mediaType = "application/octet-stream"
size = 123
animal = "narwhal"
color = "blue"

name = "unicorn_handler"
sha256 = "4321"
mediaType = "application/octet-stream"
size = 321
animal = "unicorn"
color = "blue"

name = "default_thinger"
sha256 = "5432"
mediaType = "application/octet-stream"
size = 321
let inv: bindle::Invoice = toml::from_str(toml).expect("test invoice parsed");
let filter = BindleFilter::new(inv)
    .activate_feature("testing", "animal", "narwhal")
assert_eq!(2, filter.len());



BindleFilter walks an invoice and resolves a list of parcels.