Expand description

A lightweight library to integrate with the Binance Spot API.

  • Spot REST API endpoints (/api/* and /sapi/*)
  • Spot Market and User Data web-socket streams.
  • Spot Testnet and Production environments.
  • Tests and examples
  • Blocking and non-blocking http clients
  • Generic http request framework for custom requests.


By default, binance-spot only enables blocking clients to minimize the size of compiled code. To enable other clients, use the named features below when adding the crate as a dependancy. To include all features, you may use the all feature.

The following optional features are available:

  • enable-ureq: For a blocking http client powered by ureq.
  • enable-hyper: For a non-blocking http client powered by hyper.
  • enable-tungstenite: For a blocking web-socket client powered by tungstenite.
  • enable-tokio-tungstenite: For a non-blocking web-socket client powered by tokio-tungstenite.


Http clients and web-socket clients can be configured to communicate with the testnet environment by specifying the base url on initialization.

use binance_spot_connector_rust::ureq::BinanceHttpClient;

let testnet_http_client = BinanceHttpClient::with_url("https://testnet.binance.vision");
use binance_spot_connector_rust::tungstenite::BinanceWebSocketClient;

let testnet_websocket_client = BinanceWebSocketClient::connect_with_url("wss://testnet.binance.vision/ws");


Internally, the crate invokes log requests using the official log framework to give visibility to the requests’ url and their respective response status code.

Here is a snippet requesting the current average price for BNBUSDT using env_logger.

use binance_spot_connector_rust::{market, ureq::BinanceHttpClient};
use env_logger::Builder;


let client = BinanceHttpClient::default();

let response = client.send(market::historical_trades("BNBUSDT"));

let body = response.expect("Request failed").into_body_str().expect("Failed to parse body");

log::info!("{}", body);

Generated logs.

[2022-01-01T00:00:01Z INFO  binance_spot_connector_rust::ureq::client] https://api.binance.com/api/v3/avgPrice?symbol=BNBUSDT
[2022-01-01T00:00:01Z INFO  binance_spot_connector_rust::ureq::client] 200
[2022-01-01T00:00:01Z INFO  market_current_avg_price] {"mins":5,"price":"306.08482159"}

To ignore log requests by the library use env_logger::Builder::filter. If no loggger is configured, the library’s internal log requests will be ignored.

builder.filter(Some("binance_spot_connector_rust"), log::LevelFilter::Off)


All errors emitted by the library can be converted to the generic error type of the respective client used to avoid complex error handling when using the pre-defined clients.


Market Data
Market Data
Market Data
Binance SPOT Market Websocket Streams
Market Data
Binance HTTP blocking client using ureq.
Binance SPOT User Data Websocket Streams
Market Data