Module bigtable_rs::google::bigtable::v2

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  • Specifies (some of) the contents of a single row/column/timestamp of a table.
  • Request message for Bigtable.CheckAndMutateRow.
  • Response message for Bigtable.CheckAndMutateRow.
  • Specifies (some of) the contents of a single row/column intersection of a table.
  • Specifies a contiguous range of columns within a single column family. The range spans from <column_family>:<start_qualifier> to <column_family>:<end_qualifier>, where both bounds can be either inclusive or exclusive.
  • Specifies (some of) the contents of a single row/column family intersection of a table.
  • FullReadStatsView captures all known information about a read.
  • NOTE: This API is intended to be used by Apache Beam BigtableIO. Request message for Bigtable.GenerateInitialChangeStreamPartitions.
  • NOTE: This API is intended to be used by Apache Beam BigtableIO. Response message for Bigtable.GenerateInitialChangeStreamPartitions.
  • Request message for Bigtable.MutateRow.
  • Response message for Bigtable.MutateRow.
  • Request message for BigtableService.MutateRows.
  • Response message for BigtableService.MutateRows.
  • Specifies a particular change to be made to the contents of a row.
  • Request message for client connection keep-alive and warming.
  • Response message for Bigtable.PingAndWarm connection keepalive and warming.
  • Information about how client should adjust the load to Bigtable.
  • NOTE: This API is intended to be used by Apache Beam BigtableIO. Request message for Bigtable.ReadChangeStream.
  • NOTE: This API is intended to be used by Apache Beam BigtableIO. Response message for Bigtable.ReadChangeStream.
  • ReadIterationStats captures information about the iteration of rows or cells over the course of a read, e.g. how many results were scanned in a read operation versus the results returned.
  • Request message for Bigtable.ReadModifyWriteRow.
  • Response message for Bigtable.ReadModifyWriteRow.
  • Specifies an atomic read/modify/write operation on the latest value of the specified column.
  • Request message for Bigtable.ReadRows.
  • Response message for Bigtable.ReadRows.
  • RequestLatencyStats provides a measurement of the latency of the request as it interacts with different systems over its lifetime, e.g. how long the request took to execute within a frontend server.
  • RequestStats is the container for additional information pertaining to a single request, helpful for evaluating the performance of the sent request. Currently, there are the following supported methods:
  • Specifies the complete (requested) contents of a single row of a table. Rows which exceed 256MiB in size cannot be read in full.
  • Takes a row as input and produces an alternate view of the row based on specified rules. For example, a RowFilter might trim down a row to include just the cells from columns matching a given regular expression, or might return all the cells of a row but not their values. More complicated filters can be composed out of these components to express requests such as, “within every column of a particular family, give just the two most recent cells which are older than timestamp X.”
  • Specifies a contiguous range of rows.
  • Specifies a non-contiguous set of rows.
  • Request message for Bigtable.SampleRowKeys.
  • Response message for Bigtable.SampleRowKeys.
  • NOTE: This API is intended to be used by Apache Beam BigtableIO. The information required to continue reading the data from a StreamPartition from where a previous read left off.
  • NOTE: This API is intended to be used by Apache Beam BigtableIO. The information required to continue reading the data from multiple StreamPartitions from where a previous read left off.
  • NOTE: This API is intended to be used by Apache Beam BigtableIO. A partition of a change stream.
  • Specified a contiguous range of microsecond timestamps.
  • Specifies a contiguous range of raw byte values.