[][src]Crate bgp_rs

The bgp-rs crate provides functionality to parse BGP-formatted streams.


Reading a MRT file containing BPG4MP messages

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::BufReader;
use libflate::gzip::Decoder;
use bgp_rs::{Identifier, PathAttribute};
use mrt_rs::Record;
use mrt_rs::bgp4mp::BGP4MP;

// Download an update message.
let file = File::open("res/mrt/updates.20190101.0000.gz").unwrap();

// Decode the GZIP stream.
let mut decoder = Decoder::new(BufReader::new(file)).unwrap();

// Keep reading MRT (Header, Record) tuples till the end of the file has been reached.
while let Ok(Some((_, record))) = mrt_rs::read(&mut decoder) {

    // Extract BGP4MP::MESSAGE_AS4 entries.
    if let Record::BGP4MP(BGP4MP::MESSAGE_AS4(x)) = record {

        // Read each BGP (Header, Message)
        let cursor = Cursor::new(x.message);
        let mut reader = bgp_rs::Reader::new(cursor);
        let (_, message) = reader.read().unwrap();

        // If this is an UPDATE message that contains announcements, extract its origin.
        if let bgp_rs::Message::Update(x) = message {
            if x.is_announcement() {
                if let PathAttribute::AS_PATH(path) = x.get(Identifier::AS_PATH).unwrap()
                    // Test the path.origin() method.
                    let origin = path.origin();

                    // Do other stuff ...

Reading a MRT file containing TABLE_DUMP_V2 messages

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::BufReader;
use libflate::gzip::Decoder;
use bgp_rs::{Identifier, PathAttribute, Capabilities};
use mrt_rs::records::tabledump::TABLE_DUMP_V2;
use mrt_rs::Record;
use mrt_rs::bgp4mp::BGP4MP;

// Download an update message.
let file = File::open("res/mrt/bview.20100101.0759.gz").unwrap();

// Decode the GZIP stream.
let mut decoder = Decoder::new(BufReader::new(file)).unwrap();

// Keep reading MRT (Header, Record) tuples till the end of the file has been reached.
while let Ok(Some((_, record))) = mrt_rs::read(&mut decoder) {

    // Extract TABLE_DUMP_V2::RIB_IPV4_UNICAST entries.
    if let Record::TABLE_DUMP_V2(TABLE_DUMP_V2::RIB_IPV4_UNICAST(x)) = record {

        // Loop over each route for this particular prefix.
        for mut entry in x.entries {
            let length = entry.attributes.len() as u64;
            let mut cursor = Cursor::new(entry.attributes);

            // Parse each PathAttribute in each route.
            while cursor.position() < length {
                PathAttribute::parse(&mut cursor, &Default::default()).unwrap();


pub use crate::open::*;
pub use crate::notification::*;
pub use crate::update::*;



Contains the NOTIFICATION Message implementation


Contains the OPEN Message implementation The open mod provides structs and implementation for OPEN messages


Contains the UPDATE Message implementation



Represents the BGP header accompanying every BGP message.


The BGPReader can read BGP messages from a BGP-formatted stream.


Represents a BGP Route Refresh message.



Represents an Address Family Identifier. Currently only IPv4 and IPv6 are supported. Currently only IPv4, IPv6, and L2VPN are supported.


Represents a single BGP message.


Represents an Subsequent Address Family Identifier. Currently only Unicast and Multicast are supported.



An abstract way of getting a reference to a Capabilities struct. This is used in Reader to allow use of either an owned Capabilites or a reference to one.