pub fn alloc_transient_buffers(
    tvb: &mut TransientVertexBuffer,
    layout: &VertexLayoutBuilder,
    num_vertices: u32,
    tib: &mut TransientIndexBuffer,
    num_indices: u32,
    index_32: bool
) -> bool
Expand description
  • tvb: TransientVertexBuffer structure is filled and is valid for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw calls.
  • layout: Vertex layout.
  • num_vertices: Number of vertices to allocate.
  • tib: TransientIndexBuffer structure is filled and is valid for the duration of frame, and it can be reused for multiple draw calls.
  • num_indices: Number of indices to allocate.
  • index_32: Set to true if input indices will be 32-bit.