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Bevy XPBD Interp is a simple library for interpolation of bevy_xpbd rigidbodies. It operates by interpolating between the position/rotation of the current and previous physics update based on how much time has accumulated since the last physics update. The interpolated value is then stored in the Transform of some separate entity that may hold meshes/cameras etc.



  • Does not store the actual interpolated position value, but instead the cached position from the previous physics update and the entity holding the Position affected by a Rigidbody. The interpolated position value is automatically given to the Transform of any entity with a InterpolatedPosition.
  • Does not store the actual interpolated rotation value, but instead the cached rotation from the previous physics update and the entity holding the ´Rotation´ affected by a Rigidbody. The interpolated rotation value is automatically given to the Transform of any entity with a InterpolatedRotation.
  • System set running in PhysicsUpdate before PhysicsStepSet::BroadPhase


  • System set running in PostUpdate between PhysicsSet::Sync and TransformSystem::TransformPropagate