Expand description

Systems responsible for interfacing our Bevy components with the Rapier physics engine.


System responsible for applying changes the user made to a collider-related component.
This applies the initial impulse given to a rigid-body when it is created.
System responsible for applying changes the user made to a joint component.
System responsible for applying changes the user made to a rigid-body-related component.
System responsible for applying [GlobalTransform::scale] and/or ColliderScale to colliders.
System responsible for creating Collider components from AsyncCollider components if the corresponding mesh has become available.
System responsible for creating Collider components from AsyncSceneCollider components if the corresponding scene has become available.
System responsible for creating new Rapier colliders from the related bevy_rapier components.
System responsible for creating new Rapier joints from the related bevy_rapier components.
System responsible for creating new Rapier rigid-bodies from the related bevy_rapier components.
System responsible for advancing the physics simulation, and updating the internal state for scene queries.
System responsible for removing from Rapier the rigid-bodies/colliders/joints which had their related bevy_rapier components removed by the user (through component removal or despawn).
System responsible for applying the character controller translation to the underlying collider.
Adds entity to CollidingEntities on starting collision and removes from it when the collision ends.
System responsible for writing the result of the last simulation step into our bevy_rapier components and the [GlobalTransform] component.

Type Definitions

Components related to colliders.
Components related to rigid-bodies.
Components that will be updated after a physics step.