Module bevy_rapier2d::geometry

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Components related to physics geometry (colliders, collision-groups, etc.)



  • Wrappers around Rapier shapes to access their properties.


  • Flags affecting whether or not collision-detection happens between two colliders depending on the type of rigid-bodies they are attached to.
  • Flags affecting the events generated for this collider.
  • Flags affecting the behavior of the constraints solver for a given contact manifold.
  • A geometric entity that can be attached to a body so it can be affected by contacts and intersection queries.
  • Indicates whether or not the collider is disabled explicitly by the user.
  • Component which will be filled (if present) with a list of entities with which the current entity is currently in contact.
  • Pairwise collision filtering using bit masks.
  • The total force magnitude beyond which a contact force event can be emitted.
  • The friction affecting a collider.
  • A bit mask identifying groups for interaction.
  • Result of the projection of a point on a shape.
  • The Rapier handle of a collider that was inserted to the physics scene.
  • Structure containing the result of a successful ray cast.
  • The restitution affecting a collider.
  • Indicates whether or not the collider is a sensor.
  • Flags affecting the behavior of the constraints solver for a given contact manifold.
  • Pairwise constraints resolution filtering using bit masks.
  • The result of a time-of-impact (TOI) computation.
  • The status of the cell of an heightfield.
  • Parameters controlling the VHACD convex decomposition.


  • Custom mass-properties of a collider.
  • Overwrites the default application of [GlobalTransform::scale] to collider shapes.
  • Controls how the voxelization determines which voxel needs to be considered empty, and which ones will be considered full.
  • The status of the time-of-impact computation algorithm.


  • We restrict the scaling increment to 1.0e-4, to avoid numerical jitter due to the extraction of scaling factor from the GlobalTransform matrix.