pub trait ParallelSliceMut<T>: AsMut<[T]>
where T: Send,
{ // Provided methods fn par_chunk_map_mut<F, R>( &mut self, task_pool: &TaskPool, chunk_size: usize, f: F ) -> Vec<R> where F: Fn(&mut [T]) -> R + Send + Sync, R: Send + 'static { ... } fn par_splat_map_mut<F, R>( &mut self, task_pool: &TaskPool, max_tasks: Option<usize>, f: F ) -> Vec<R> where F: Fn(&mut [T]) -> R + Send + Sync, R: Send + 'static { ... } }
Expand description

Provides functions for mapping mutable slices across a provided TaskPool.

Provided Methods§


fn par_chunk_map_mut<F, R>( &mut self, task_pool: &TaskPool, chunk_size: usize, f: F ) -> Vec<R>
where F: Fn(&mut [T]) -> R + Send + Sync, R: Send + 'static,

Splits the slice in chunks of size chunks_size or less and maps the chunks in parallel across the provided task_pool. One task is spawned in the task pool for every chunk.

Returns a Vec of the mapped results in the same order as the input.

let task_pool = TaskPool::new();
let mut counts = (0..10000).collect::<Vec<u32>>();
let incremented = counts.par_chunk_map_mut(&task_pool, 100, |chunk| {
  let mut results = Vec::new();
  for count in chunk {
    *count += 5;
    results.push(*count - 2);

assert_eq!(counts, (5..10005).collect::<Vec<u32>>());
§See Also

ParallelSlice::par_chunk_map for mapping immutable slices. ParallelSliceMut::par_splat_map_mut for mapping when a specific chunk size is unknown.


fn par_splat_map_mut<F, R>( &mut self, task_pool: &TaskPool, max_tasks: Option<usize>, f: F ) -> Vec<R>
where F: Fn(&mut [T]) -> R + Send + Sync, R: Send + 'static,

Splits the slice into a maximum of max_tasks chunks, and maps the chunks in parallel across the provided task_pool. One task is spawned in the task pool for every chunk.

If max_tasks is None, this function will attempt to use one chunk per thread in task_pool.

Returns a Vec of the mapped results in the same order as the input.

let task_pool = TaskPool::new();
let mut counts = (0..10000).collect::<Vec<u32>>();
let incremented = counts.par_splat_map_mut(&task_pool, None, |chunk| {
  let mut results = Vec::new();
  for count in chunk {
    *count += 5;
    results.push(*count - 2);

assert_eq!(counts, (5..10005).collect::<Vec<u32>>());
§See Also

ParallelSlice::par_splat_map for mapping immutable slices. ParallelSliceMut::par_chunk_map_mut for mapping when a specific chunk size is desirable.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<S, T> ParallelSliceMut<T> for S
where T: Send, S: AsMut<[T]>,