Crate bevy_ecs_tilemap

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Bevy ECS Tilemap plugin is a ECS driven tilemap rendering library. It’s designed to be fast and highly customizable. Each tile is considered a unique entity and all tiles are stored in the game world.


  • A tile per entity.
  • Fast rendering using a chunked approach.
  • Layers and sparse tile maps.
  • GPU powered animations.
  • Isometric and Hexagonal tile maps.
  • Initial support for Tiled file exports.
  • Support for isometric and hexagon rendering.
  • Built in animation support – see animation example.
  • Texture array support.


A module which provides helper functions.
A module which contains tilemap components.
A module which exports commonly used dependencies.
A module which contains tile components.


The default tilemap bundle. All of the components within are required.
A bevy tilemap plugin. This must be included in order for everything to be rendered. But is not necessary if you are running without a renderer.