
Tracks read and write access to specific elements in a collection.

A filter on a component that only retains results added after the system last ran.

The AnyOf query parameter fetches entities with any of the component types included in T.

WorldQuery that tracks changes and additions for component T.

A filter on a component that only retains results added or mutably dereferenced after the system last ran.

An Access that has been filtered to include and exclude certain combinations of elements.

A collection of FilteredAccess instances.

Fetch that does not actually fetch anything

WorldQuery used to nullify queries by turning Query<Q> into Query<NopWorldQuery<Q>>

A filter that tests if any of the given filters apply.

An Iterator over query results of a Query.

An Iterator over Query results of a list of Entitys.

Provides scoped access to a World state according to a given WorldQuery and query filter.

Filter that selects entities with a component T.

Filter that selects entities without a component T.


An error that occurs when retrieving a specific Entity’s query result.

An error that occurs when evaluating a QueryState as a single expected resulted via QueryState::single or QueryState::single_mut.


A marker trait to indicate that the filter works at an archetype level.

Types that implement this trait are responsible for fetching query items from tables or archetypes.

State used to construct a Fetch. This will be cached inside QueryState, so it is best to move as much data / computation here as possible to reduce the cost of constructing Fetch.

A world query that is read only.

Types that can be queried from a World.

A helper trait for WorldQuery that works around Rust’s lack of Generic Associated Types

Type Definitions

The Fetch of a WorldQuery, which declares which data it needs access to

The item type returned when a WorldQuery is iterated over

The read-only Fetch of a WorldQuery, which declares which data it needs access to when accessed immutably

The read-only variant of the item type returned when a WorldQuery is iterated over immutably

Derive Macros

Implement WorldQuery to use a struct as a parameter in a query