Module bevy_defer::async_systems

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Per-entity repeatable async functions.

AsyncSystem is a system-like async function on a specific entity. The component AsyncSystems is a collection of AsyncSystems that runs independently.

Generally AsyncSystems is useful for providing reactivity with UI when combined with signals.


To create an AsyncSystem, use the async_system! macro:

// Scale up for a second when clicked.
let system = async_system!(|recv: Receiver<OnClick>, transform: AsyncComponent<Transform>|{
    let pos: Vec3 = recv.recv().await;
    transform.set(|transform| transform.scale = Vec3::splat(2.0)).await?;
    transform.set(|transform| transform.scale = Vec3::ONE).await?;

The parameters must implement AsyncEntityParam.

§How an AsyncSystem executes

Think of an AsyncSystem like a loop:

  • if this Future is not running at the start of this frame, run it.
  • If the function finishes, rerun on the next frame.
  • If the entity is dropped, the Future will be cancelled.

So this is similar to

spawn(async {
    loop {
        futures::select! {
            _ = async_system => (),
            _ = cancel => break,

If you want some state to persist, for example keeping a handle alive or using a AsyncEventReader, you might want to implement the async system as a loop:

let system = async_system!(|recv: Receiver<OnClick>, mouse_wheel: AsyncEventReader<Input<MouseWheel>>|{
    loop {
        futures::select! {
            _ = recv.recv().fused() => ..,
            pos = mouse_wheel.poll().fused() => ..


