pub fn update_text2d_layout(
    queue: Local<'_, HashSet<Entity, RandomState, Global>>,
    textures: ResMut<'_, Assets<Image>>,
    fonts: Res<'_, Assets<Font>>,
    windows: Res<'_, Windows>,
    scale_factor_changed: EventReader<'_, '_, WindowScaleFactorChanged>,
    texture_atlases: ResMut<'_, Assets<TextureAtlas>>,
    font_atlas_set_storage: ResMut<'_, Assets<FontAtlasSet>>,
    text_pipeline: ResMut<'_, TextPipeline<Entity>>,
    text_query: Query<'_, '_, (Entity, Changed<Text>, &Text, Option<&Text2dBounds>, &mut Text2dSize), ()>
Expand description

Updates the layout and size information whenever the text or style is changed. This information is computed by the TextPipeline on insertion, then stored.