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Configuration, creation, and management of one or more windows.



An event that indicates that a new window should be created.

An event that is sent whenever the user’s cursor enters a window.

An event that is sent whenever the user’s cursor leaves a window.

An event reporting that the mouse cursor has moved on a window.

A wrapper over [RawWindowHandle] that allows us to safely pass it across threads.

An event that is sent whenever a window receives a character from the OS or underlying system.

An event that indicates the window should redraw, even if its control flow is set to Wait and there have been no window events.

A RawWindowHandleWrapper that cannot be sent across threads.

An operating system window that can present content and receive user input.

An event that indicates a window’s OS-reported scale factor has changed.

An event that is sent whenever the operating systems requests that a window be closed. This will be sent when the close button of the window is pressed.

An event that is sent whenever a window is closed. This will be sent by the handler for Window::close.

An event that is sent whenever a new window is created.

Describes the information needed for creating a window.

An event that indicates a window has received or lost focus.

A unique ID for a Window.

An event that is sent when a window is repositioned in physical pixels.

A Plugin that defines an interface for windowing support in Bevy.

The size limits on a window.

A window event that is sent whenever a window’s logical size has changed.

An event that indicates a window’s scale factor has changed.

The configuration information for the WindowPlugin.

A collection of Windows with unique WindowIds.


The icon to display for a window’s cursor.

Events related to files being dragged and dropped on a window.

Defines which monitor to use.

Presentation mode for a window.

A command to be sent to a window.

Defines the way a window is displayed.

Defines where window should be placed at on creation.


Close the focused window whenever the escape key (Esc) is pressed

Close windows in response to WindowCloseRequested (e.g. when the close button is pressed).

Exit the application when there are no open windows.