

A collection of input and output Edges for a Node.

A Node without any inputs, outputs and subgraphs, which does nothing when run. Used (as a label) to bundle multiple dependencies into one inside the RenderGraph.

A Node which acts as an entry point for a RenderGraph with custom inputs. It has the same input and output slots and simply copies them over when run.

A Node identifier. It automatically generates its own random uuid.

The internal representation of a Node, with all data required by the RenderGraph.

The render graph configures the modular, parallel and re-usable render logic. It is a retained and stateless (nodes itself my have their internal state) structure, which can not be modified while it is executed by the graph runner.

The context with all graph information required to run a Node. This context is created for each node by the RenderGraphRunner.

A command that signals the graph runner to run the sub graph corresponding to the name with the specified inputs next.

The internal representation of a slot, which specifies its SlotType and name.

A collection of input or output SlotInfos for a NodeState.


An edge, which connects two Nodes in a RenderGraph.

A NodeLabel is used to reference a NodeState by either its name or NodeId inside the RenderGraph.

A SlotLabel is used to reference a slot by either its name or index inside the RenderGraph.

Describes the render resources created (output) or used (input) by the render Nodes.

A value passed between render Nodes. Corresponds to the SlotType specified in the RenderGraph.


A render node that can be added to a RenderGraph.