Module bevy::ecs::world



  • A mutable reference to a particular Entity and all of its components
  • A read-only reference to a particular Entity and all of its components
  • Unique mutable borrow of an entity’s component
  • Shared borrow of an entity’s component with access to change detection. Similar to Mut but is immutable and so doesn’t require unique access.
  • Stores and exposes operations on entities, components, resources, and their associated metadata.
  • Exposes safe mutable access to multiple resources at a time in a World. Attempting to access World in a way that violates Rust’s mutability rules will panic thanks to runtime checks.
  • A unique identifier for a World.


  • The (arbitrarily chosen) minimum number of world tick increments between check_tick scans.


  • Creates an instance of the type this trait is implemented for using data from the supplied World.