Expand description

General-purpose machinery for displaying Reflect types using egui


Basic usage

use bevy_reflect::{Reflect, TypeRegistry};
use bevy_inspector_egui::reflect_inspector::{ui_for_value, InspectorUi, Context};

struct Data {
    value: f32,

fn ui(data: &mut Data, ui: &mut egui::Ui, type_registry: &TypeRegistry) {
    let mut cx = Context::default(); // empty context, with no access to the bevy world
    let mut env = InspectorUi::new_no_short_circuit(type_registry, &mut cx); // no short circuiting, couldn't display `Handle<StandardMaterial>`

    let _changed = env.ui_for_reflect(data, ui);

    // alternatively, if you are using an empty `Context`:
    let _changed = ui_for_value(data, ui, type_registry);

Bevy specific usage

use bevy_reflect::{Reflect, TypeRegistry};
use bevy_inspector_egui::reflect_inspector::{InspectorUi, Context};

use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
use bevy_asset::Handle;
use bevy_pbr::StandardMaterial;

struct Data {
    material: Handle<StandardMaterial>,

fn ui(mut data: Mut<Data>, ui: &mut egui::Ui, world: &mut World, type_registry: &TypeRegistry) {
    let mut cx = Context {
        world: Some(world.into()),
    let mut env = InspectorUi::for_bevy(type_registry, &mut cx);

    // alternatively
    // use crate::bevy_inspector::short_circuit;
    // let mut env = InspectorUi::new(type_registry, &mut cx, Some(short_circuit::short_circuit), Some(short_circuit::short_circuit_readonly));

    let changed = env.ui_for_reflect(data.bypass_change_detection(), ui);
    if changed {



  • Display the value without any Context or short circuiting behaviour. This means that for example bevy’s Handle<StandardMaterial> values cannot be displayed, as they would need to have access to the World.
  • Display the readonly value without any Context or short circuiting behaviour. This means that for example bevy’s Handle<StandardMaterial> values cannot be displayed, as they would need to have access to the World.

Type Definitions

  • Function which will be executed for every field recursively, which can be used to skip regular traversal.
  • Function which will be executed for every field recursively, which can be used to skip regular traversal, _many variant
  • Function which will be executed for every field recursively, which can be used to skip regular traversal, _readonly variant