[][src]Module bendy::serde

Serde Serialization and Deserialization

Values can be serialized to bencode with bendy::serde::to_bytes, and deserialized from bencode with bendy::serde::from_bytes:

use bendy::serde::{from_bytes, to_bytes};
use serde_ as serde;
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};

assert_eq!(to_bytes(&10).unwrap(), b"i10e");
assert_eq!(from_bytes::<u64>(b"i10e").unwrap(), 10);

#[serde(crate = "serde_")]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Foo {
    bar: bool,

assert_eq!(to_bytes(&Foo { bar: true }).unwrap(), b"d3:bari1ee");
assert_eq!(from_bytes::<Foo>(b"d3:bari1ee").unwrap(), Foo { bar: true });

Bencode Representations

Rust types and values are represented in bencode as follows:

  • true: The integer value 1.
  • false: The integer value 0.
  • char: A string containing the UTF-8 encoding of the value.
  • f32: Represented as a length-four bencode byte string containing the big- endian order bytes of the IEEE-754 representation of the value.
  • f64: Represented as a length-eight bencode byte string containing the big- endian order bytes of the IEEE-754 representation of the value.
  • (): Represented as the empty bencode list, le.
  • Some(t): Represented as a list containing the bencoding of t.
  • None: Represented as the empty list.
  • maps, including BTreeMap and HashMap: bencoded dictionaries.
  • record structs: Represented as bencoded dictionaries with the fields of the struct represented as UTF-8 keys mapped to the bencoded serializations of the values.
  • tuple structs: Represented as bencoded lists containing the serialized values of the fields.
  • unit structs: Represented as the empty bencode list, le.
  • enum unit variants: Represented as a string containing the name of the variant,
  • enum newtype variants: Represented as a dict mapping the name of the variant to the value the variant contains.
  • enum tuple variants: Represented as a dict mapping the name of the variant to a list containing the fields of the enum.
  • enum struct variants: Represented as a dict mapping the name of the variant to the struct representation of the fields of the variant.
  • untagged enums: Repesented as the variant value without any surrounding dictionary.

Bencode dictionary keys may only be byte strings. For this reason, map types with keys that do not serialize as byte strings are unsupported.

Note that values of type f32 and f64 do not conform to bencode's canonical representation rules. For example, both f32 and f64 support negative zero values which have different bit patterns, but which represent the same logical value as positive zero.

If you require bencoded values to have canonical representations, then it is best to avoid floating point values.

Example Representations

use bendy::serde::to_bytes;
use serde::Serialize;
use serde_ as serde;
use serde_derive::Serialize;
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn repr(value: impl Serialize, bencode: impl AsRef<[u8]>) {
    assert_eq!(to_bytes(&value).unwrap(), bencode.as_ref());

repr(true, "i1e");
repr(false, "i0e");
repr((), "le");
repr('a', "1:a");
repr('Å', b"2:\xC3\x85");
repr(0, "i0e");
repr(-15, "i-15e");
repr(1.0f32, b"4:\x3F\x80\x00\x00");
repr(1.0f64, b"8:\x3F\xF0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00");

let none: Option<i32> = None;
repr(none, "le");
repr(Some(0), "li0ee");

let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("foo", 1);
map.insert("bar", 2);
repr(map, "d3:bari2e3:fooi1ee");

#[serde(crate = "serde_")]
struct Unit;
repr(Unit, "le");

#[serde(crate = "serde_")]
struct Newtype(String);
repr(Newtype("foo".into()), "3:foo");

#[serde(crate = "serde_")]
struct Tuple(bool, i32);
repr(Tuple(false, 100), "li0ei100ee");

#[serde(crate = "serde_")]
struct Record {
    a: String,
    b: bool,

    Record {
        a: "hello".into(),
        b: false,

#[serde(crate = "serde_")]
enum Enum {
    Tuple(bool, i32),
    Struct { a: char, b: bool },

repr(Enum::Unit, "4:Unit");
repr(Enum::Newtype(-1), "d7:Newtypei-1ee");
repr(Enum::Tuple(true, 10), "d5:Tupleli1ei10eee");
repr(Enum::Struct { a: 'x', b: true }, "d6:Structd1:a1:x1:bi1eee");

#[serde(crate = "serde_")]
enum Untagged {
    Foo { x: i32 },
    Bar { y: char },

repr(Untagged::Foo { x: -1 }, "d1:xi-1ee");
repr(Untagged::Bar { y: 'z' }, "d1:y1:ze");


pub use de::from_bytes;
pub use de::Deserializer;
pub use error::Error;
pub use error::Result;
pub use ser::to_bytes;
pub use ser::Serializer;



Serde bencode deserialization.


Serde bencode serialization.