[][src]Crate below_derive

The whole objective to this procedure macro is to provide a unified way of managing the connection between model and view. This trait will provide solution of the following topic:

  1. Data Linking: A virtual link between displayed data and real data.
  2. Displaying: Defines how a data is showed including data decoration.
  3. Convenient Functions: Title generating, sorting, pattern(TODO), etc.


bttr - below attributes

  • Display related attributes defines how you want to show the data. If a field does not have any display or field attribute, BelowDecor will not generate any display related function.

    • depth: TokenStream -- A string token stream that produce a integer which defines the prefix indentation spaces.
    • unit: String -- Unit of the field
    • prefix: TokenStream -- A string token stream that produce a displayable represent the prefix symbol.
    • width: usize -- Defines the width of the column, apply for both title and field.
    • title_width: usize -- Defines the width of title, will override width for title.
    • none_mark: String -- Default to '?', defines what need show if the field is None.
    • decorator: TokenStream -- Field decorator, apply a function to the value of this field, will replace $ with the field name.
    • precision: usize -- Defines what's the displaying precision when the value is f64
    • highlight_if: Highlight field in COLOR if function returns Some(COLOR). Will replace $ with the field name. The function should return cursive::theme::BaseColor
    • raw: TokenStream -- If set, will not generate unit and decorator related code.
  • Field related attributes defines how you want to change the field. If a field does not have any field attribute, BelowDecor will not generate any field related function.

    • title: String -- Title of the field
    • cmp: bool -- If need to generate compare function for this field.
    • gen: bool -- Only generate minimal getter without display code. Eg.: "CgroupModel: io_total?.rbytes_per_sec? + io_total?.wbytes_per_sec?"
    • tag: string -- Help to generate dfill trait that map the tag to concrete processing functions. Eg: tag = "CgroupField::IoDiops"
    • class: string -- Mark which class current field belongs to. Dump ONLY.
    • class_detail: bool -- If set, current field will show if --detail specified. Dump ONLY
  • Type$call_path -- Type is the argument type of the generated function. Model$cgroup.get_cpu will generate model.cgroup.get_cpu(), the model here is an argument of the generated function. More details can be found in field::parse_blink
  • Limitation: All link from same struct should have a same starting point, aka, model.
  • Multi-link will aggregate the link value

Special characters

  • ? --> Means the marked field is an option, it will tell the macro to unwrap a reference of the field, if the option is None, it will auto use the default value. Use with blink

Generated functions

If a field has a link, you will need an extra model argument.

  • get_FIELD_NAME_value<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Type -- Get a reference of FIELD_NAME. This function won't apply decorator function.
  • get_FIELD_NAME_title(&self) -> &'static str -- Get raw title string. We capture a &self here is for chaining of link.
  • get_FIELD_NAME_title_styled(&self) -> &'static str -- Get styled title string. This function will apply width attribute.
  • get_title_line() -> String -- Get all titles in a line, all style applied.
  • get_title_pipe() -> String -- Get all titles in a line, separated by '|', all style applied.
  • get_FIELD_NAME_str_styled(&self) -> StyledString -- Get the field string, all style applied.
  • get_FIELD_NAME_str(&self) -> String -- Get the field string, no style applied, decorator will be hornored.
  • get_field_line(&self) -> StyledString -- Get all fields in a line, all style applied.
  • get_csv_field(&self) -> String -- Get all fields in a line, only apply decorator function. Comma separated.
  • get_csv_title(&self) -> String -- Get all title in a line, comma separated.
  • cmp_by_FIELD_NAME(left: &Self, right, &Self) -> Ordering -- comparison function. If field is a link, type of left and right will be Model
  • get_interleave_line(&self, sep: &str) -> Vec<StyledString> -- Interleave title and value and output as string. sep is a string between title and value, line_sep is a string between each pair.
  • sort(&self, tag: TagType, children: &mut Vec<ModelType>, reverse: bool) -- Sort the children array by the sorting tag. If reverse if set this function will sort in reverse order. TagType will be an enum type that decorate the struct.
  • get_sort_tag_vec() -> Vec<TagType> -- Get all available sorting tags for current struct.


This example is not tested
fn decor_fn(item: &Option<f64>) -> String {
   format!("{} MB", item.as_ref().unwrap())

struct CpuModel {
    #[bttr(title = "Usage", unit = "%", width = 15, cmp = true)]
    usage_pct: Option<f64>,
    #[bttr(title = "User", unit = "%", width = 12, cmp = true)]
    user_pct: Option<f64>,
    #[bttr(title = "System", unit = "%", none_mark = "0.0", width = 12)]
    system_pct: Option<f64>,
        title = "L1 Cache",
        decorator = "demacia(&$)",
        prefix = "\"-->\"",
        depth = "5",
        width = 12
    cache_usage: Option<f64>,
    loopback: Option<f64>,
    route: Option<f64>,
    something_else: Option<f64>,

Derive Macros
