Module below_model::cgroup

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  • A model that represents a cgroup subtree. Each instance is a node that uses the “data” field to represent local data. Otherwise mixing hierarchy and data makes it hard to define a Field Id type that queries nested cgroups.
  • Queries a specific SingleCgroupModel inside a CgroupModel tree. Its String representation looks like this: path:/system.slice/foo.service/.cpu.usage_pct The path parameter starts with path: and ends with /.. This works because SingleCgroupModelFieldId does not contain slash. The path is used to drill into the Cgroup Model tree. If Vec empty, the current CgroupModel is selected and queried with the subquery_id. The path is optional in parsing and converting to String.
  • Cgroup properties. Without any cgroup configuration changes, these should typically be static.
  • Collection of all data local to the cgroup, e.g. its memory/io/cpu/pids usage. Nothing about child cgroups or siblings, and therefore “Single” in its name.
