Module bee_ledger::types[][src]

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A module providing all types required to compute and maintain the ledger state.


Module containing types to describe and handle ledger snapshots.


Holds the balance of an address.

Records a balance difference to apply to an address.

Records a balance differences to apply to addresses.

Represents a newly consumed output.

Represents a newly created output.

A wrapper type to represent the current ledger index.

A type to tie together the receipt, consumed treasury and created treasury of a migration.

A type to record output and treasury changes that happened within a milestone.

A type that wraps a receipt and the index of the milestone in which it was included.

Wraps together the identifiers of the milestones that created and consumed treasury outputs.

Records the creation of a treasury output.

Represents an output id as unspent.


Errors related to ledger types.