Function bearssl::br_ssl_server_set_single_ec [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn br_ssl_server_set_single_ec(
    cc: *mut br_ssl_server_context,
    chain: *const br_x509_certificate,
    chain_len: usize,
    sk: *const br_ec_private_key,
    allowed_usages: c_uint,
    cert_issuer_key_type: c_uint,
    iec: *const br_ec_impl,
    iecdsa: br_ecdsa_sign

\brief Set the server certificate chain and key (single EC case).

This function uses a policy context included in the server context. It configures use of a single server certificate chain with an EC private key. The allowed_usages is a combination of usages, namely BR_KEYTYPE_KEYX and/or BR_KEYTYPE_SIGN; this enables or disables the corresponding cipher suites (i.e. TLS_ECDH_* use the EC key for key exchange, while TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_* use the EC key for signatures).

In order to support TLS_ECDH_* cipher suites (non-ephemeral ECDH), the algorithm type of the key used by the issuing CA to sign the server's certificate must be provided, as cert_issuer_key_type parameter (this value is either BR_KEYTYPE_RSA or BR_KEYTYPE_EC).

\param cc server context. \param chain server certificate chain to send. \param chain_len chain length (number of certificates). \param sk server private key (EC). \param allowed_usages allowed private key usages. \param cert_issuer_key_type issuing CA's key type. \param iec EC core implementation. \param iecdsa ECDSA signature implementation ("asn1" format).