Function bearssl::br_poly1305_ctmul_run [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn br_poly1305_ctmul_run(
    key: *const c_void,
    iv: *const c_void,
    data: *mut c_void,
    len: usize,
    aad: *const c_void,
    aad_len: usize,
    tag: *mut c_void,
    ichacha: br_chacha20_run,
    encrypt: c_int

\brief ChaCha20+Poly1305 AEAD implementation (mixed 32-bit multiplications).

\see br_poly1305_run

\param key secret key (32 bytes). \param iv nonce (12 bytes). \param data data to encrypt or decrypt. \param len data length (in bytes). \param aad additional authenticated data. \param aad_len length of additional authenticated data (in bytes). \param tag output buffer for the authentication tag. \param ichacha implementation of ChaCha20. \param encrypt non-zero for encryption, zero for decryption.