Function bearssl::br_chacha20_sse2_run [] [src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn br_chacha20_sse2_run(
    key: *const c_void,
    iv: *const c_void,
    cc: u32,
    data: *mut c_void,
    len: usize
) -> u32

\brief ChaCha20 implementation (SSE2 code, constant-time).

This implementation is available only on x86 platforms, depending on compiler support. Moreover, in 32-bit mode, it might not actually run, if the underlying hardware does not implement the SSE2 opcode (in 64-bit mode, SSE2 is part of the ABI, so if the code could be compiled at all, then it can run). Use br_chacha20_sse2_get() to safely obtain a pointer to that function.

\see br_chacha20_run

\param key secret key (32 bytes). \param iv IV (12 bytes). \param cc initial counter value. \param data data to encrypt or decrypt. \param len data length (in bytes).