initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Event","A single input event."],["KeyCode","All pressable keys."]],"fn":[["clear","Clears the screen (either partailly or fully)"],["close","Closes the terminal window, causing all subsequent functions from the module (apart from `open()`) to fail"],["composition","Enable or disable composition, (dis)allowing for \"stacking\" tiles on top of each other in the same cell."],["crop","Sets the current layer's crop area."],["delay","Sleep for the specified amount of milliseconds."],["has_input","Check, whether the next `read_event()` call will return `Some`."],["layer","Selects the current layer."],["measure","Calculate the argument's width/height without printing it."],["open","Creates the terminal window of the specified size with the specified title, without showing it. To show the window use the `refresh()` function."],["peek_event","Returns the next event in the queue if it's available without popping it therefrom, otherwise returns `None`."],["pick","Get the character in the specified coordinates on the specified layer."],["pick_bgcolor","Get the background color in the specified coordinates."],["pick_color","Get the color of the character in the specified coordinates on the specified layer."],["print","Prints the specified string to the specified location, formatting it along the way."],["print_xy","Equivalent to `print()` with a `Point` constructed from the first two arguments."],["put","Prints the specified character to the specified location."],["put_ext","Prints the specified character to the specified pixel-offsetted location, gradient-colouring it from the corners."],["put_xy","Equivalent to `put()` with a `Point` constructed from the first two arguments."],["read_event","Returns the next event in the queue if it's available, otherwise returns `None`."],["refresh","Flushes all changes made to the screen; also shows the window after the `open()` call"],["set","Invoke the `terminal_set()` C API function with the argument's `config_str`."],["set_background","Sets the current background color, which will affect all the output functions called later."],["set_colors","Sets the current foreground and background color, which will affect all the output functions called later."],["set_foreground","Sets the current foreground color, which will affect all the output functions called later."],["wait_event","Returns the next event, blocks until one's available."],["with_background","Sets the background color before calling the function and resets it afterwards."],["with_colors","Sets the foreground and background color before calling the function and resets them afterwards."],["with_foreground","Sets the foreground color before calling the function and resets it afterwards."]],"mod":[["config","Module containing BLT configuration options."]]});