Enum bdk::Error[][src]

pub enum Error {
Show 43 variants InvalidU32Bytes(Vec<u8>), Generic(String), ScriptDoesntHaveAddressForm, NoRecipients, NoUtxosSelected, OutputBelowDustLimit(usize), InsufficientFunds { needed: u64, available: u64, }, BnBTotalTriesExceeded, BnBNoExactMatch, UnknownUtxo, TransactionNotFound, TransactionConfirmed, IrreplaceableTransaction, FeeRateTooLow { required: FeeRate, }, FeeTooLow { required: u64, }, FeeRateUnavailable, MissingKeyOrigin(String), Key(KeyError), ChecksumMismatch, SpendingPolicyRequired(KeychainKind), InvalidPolicyPathError(PolicyError), Signer(SignerError), InvalidNetwork { requested: Network, found: Network, }, Verification(VerifyError), InvalidProgressValue(f32), ProgressUpdateError, InvalidOutpoint(OutPoint), Descriptor(Error), AddressValidator(AddressValidatorError), Encode(Error), Miniscript(Error), Bip32(Error), Secp256k1(Error), Json(Error), Hex(Error), Psbt(Error), PsbtParse(PsbtParseError), Electrum(Error), Esplora(Box<EsploraError>), CompactFilters(CompactFiltersError), Sled(Error), Rpc(Error), Rusqlite(Error),
Expand description

Errors that can be thrown by the Wallet



Wrong number of bytes found when trying to convert to u32

Tuple Fields of InvalidU32Bytes

0: Vec<u8>

Generic error

Tuple Fields of Generic

0: String

This error is thrown when trying to convert Bare and Public key script to address


Cannot build a tx without recipients


manually_selected_only option is selected but no utxo has been passed


Output created is under the dust limit, 546 satoshis

Tuple Fields of OutputBelowDustLimit

0: usize

Wallet’s UTXO set is not enough to cover recipient’s requested plus fee

Fields of InsufficientFunds

needed: u64

Sats needed for some transaction

available: u64

Sats available for spending


Branch and bound coin selection possible attempts with sufficiently big UTXO set could grow exponentially, thus a limit is set, and when hit, this error is thrown


Branch and bound coin selection tries to avoid needing a change by finding the right inputs for the desired outputs plus fee, if there is not such combination this error is thrown


Happens when trying to spend an UTXO that is not in the internal database


Thrown when a tx is not found in the internal database


Happens when trying to bump a transaction that is already confirmed


Trying to replace a tx that has a sequence >= 0xFFFFFFFE


When bumping a tx the fee rate requested is lower than required

Fields of FeeRateTooLow

required: FeeRate

Required fee rate (satoshi/vbyte)


When bumping a tx the absolute fee requested is lower than replaced tx absolute fee

Fields of FeeTooLow

required: u64

Required fee absolute value (satoshi)


Node doesn’t have data to estimate a fee rate


In order to use the TxBuilder::add_global_xpubs option every extended key in the descriptor must either be a master key itself (having depth = 0) or have an explicit origin provided

Tuple Fields of MissingKeyOrigin

0: String

Error while working with keys

Tuple Fields of Key

0: KeyError

Descriptor checksum mismatch


Spending policy is not compatible with this KeychainKind

Tuple Fields of SpendingPolicyRequired

0: KeychainKind

Error while extracting and manipulating policies

Tuple Fields of InvalidPolicyPathError

0: PolicyError

Signing error

Tuple Fields of Signer

0: SignerError

Invalid network

Fields of InvalidNetwork

requested: Network

requested network, for example what is given as bdk-cli option

found: Network

found network, for example the network of the bitcoin node

This is supported on crate feature verify only.

Transaction verification error

Tuple Fields of Verification

0: VerifyError

Progress value must be between 0.0 (included) and 100.0 (included)

Tuple Fields of InvalidProgressValue

0: f32

Progress update error (maybe the channel has been closed)


Requested outpoint doesn’t exist in the tx (vout greater than available outputs)

Tuple Fields of InvalidOutpoint

0: OutPoint

Error related to the parsing and usage of descriptors

Tuple Fields of Descriptor

0: Error

Error that can be returned to fail the validation of an address

Tuple Fields of AddressValidator

0: AddressValidatorError

Encoding error

Tuple Fields of Encode

0: Error

Miniscript error

Tuple Fields of Miniscript

0: Error

BIP32 error

Tuple Fields of Bip32

0: Error

An ECDSA error

Tuple Fields of Secp256k1

0: Error

Error serializing or deserializing JSON data

Tuple Fields of Json

0: Error

Hex decoding error

Tuple Fields of Hex

0: Error

Partially signed bitcoin transaction error

Tuple Fields of Psbt

0: Error

Partially signed bitcoin transaction parseerror

Tuple Fields of PsbtParse

0: PsbtParseError
This is supported on crate feature electrum only.

Electrum client error

Tuple Fields of Electrum

0: Error
This is supported on crate feature esplora only.

Esplora client error

Tuple Fields of Esplora

0: Box<EsploraError>
This is supported on crate feature compact_filters only.

Compact filters client error)

Tuple Fields of CompactFilters

0: CompactFiltersError
This is supported on crate feature key-value-db only.

Sled database error

Tuple Fields of Sled

0: Error
This is supported on crate feature rpc only.

Rpc client error

Tuple Fields of Rpc

0: Error
This is supported on crate feature sqlite only.

Rusqlite client error

Tuple Fields of Rusqlite

0: Error

Trait Implementations

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

The lower-level source of this error, if any. Read more

🔬 This is a nightly-only experimental API. (backtrace)

Returns a stack backtrace, if available, of where this error occurred. Read more

👎 Deprecated since 1.42.0:

use the Display impl or to_string()

👎 Deprecated since 1.33.0:

replaced by Error::source, which can support downcasting

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Converts a reference to Self into a dynamic trait object of Fail.

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Returns the “name” of the error. Read more

Returns a reference to the underlying cause of this failure, if it is an error that wraps other errors. Read more

Returns a reference to the Backtrace carried by this failure, if it carries one. Read more

Provides context for this failure. Read more

Wraps this failure in a compatibility wrapper that implements std::error::Error. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The alignment of pointer.

The type for initializers.

Initializes a with the given initializer. Read more

Dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Mutably dereferences the given pointer. Read more

Drops the object pointed to by the given pointer. Read more

Should always be Self

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.