Module bbs_plus::signature

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BBS+ signature and verification as per section 4.3 of the paper


Creating signature and verifying it:

use ark_bls12_381::Bls12_381;
use bbs_plus::setup::{SignatureParamsG1, SignatureParamsG2, KeypairG1, KeypairG2};
use bbs_plus::signature::{SignatureG1, SignatureG2};

let params_g1 = SignatureParamsG1::<Bls12_381>::generate_using_rng(&mut rng, 5);
let params_g2 = SignatureParamsG2::<Bls12_381>::generate_using_rng(&mut rng, 5);

let keypair_g2 = KeypairG2::<Bls12_381>::generate(&mut rng, &params_g1);
let keypair_g1 = KeypairG1::<Bls12_381>::generate(&mut rng, &params_g2);

let pk_g2 = &keypair_g2.public_key;
let pk_g1 = &keypair_g1.public_key;

// `messages` contains elements of the scalar field

// Verifiers should check that the signature parameters and public key are valid before verifying
// any signatures. This just needs to be done once when the verifier fetches/receives them.


let sig_g1 = SignatureG1::<Bls12_381>::new(&mut rng, &messages, &keypair_g2.secret_key, &params_g1).unwrap();
sig_g1.verify(&messages, pk_g2, &params_g1).unwrap();

let sig_g2 = SignatureG2::<Bls12_381>::new(&mut rng, &messages, &keypair_g1.secret_key, &params_g2).unwrap();
sig_g2.verify(&messages, pk_g1, &params_g2).unwrap();

// Requesting a partially blind signature from the signer, i.e. where signer does not know all the messages
// Requester creates a Pedersen commitment over the messages he wants to hide from the signer.
// Requester creates a map of message index to message as `committed_messages` and random field element
// `blinding` and commits as:
let commitment_g1 = params_g1
                .commit_to_messages(committed_messages, &blinding)

// Its upto the signer to verify that the commitment was created with the correct bases and checking
// a proof of knowledge is sufficient for that. Check the `proof_system` crate in this repo on
// how to such proof of knowledge, there is test to show this workflow.

// Once the signer is satisfied, he creates a blind signature as:
let blinded_sig_g1 = SignatureG1::<Bls12_381>::new_with_committed_messages(
                &mut rng,

// The requester unblinds the signature and verifies it to ensure correct sig.
let sig_g1 = blinded_sig_g1.unblind(&blinding);
sig_g1.verify(&messages, &keypair_g2.public_key, &params_g1).unwrap();

// Similar process is followed to create blind signature is group G2 but the commitment here
// would also be in G2 as `commitment_g2`.
let commitment_g2 = params_g2
                .commit_to_messages(committed_messages, &blinding)

// Signer creates blind signature
let blinded_sig_g2 = SignatureG2::<Bls12_381>::new_with_committed_messages(
                &mut rng,

let sig_g2 = blinded_sig_g2.unblind(&blinding);
sig_g2.verify(&messages, &keypair_g1.public_key, &params_g2).unwrap();


  • BBS+ signature created by the signer after signing a multi-message
  • BBS+ signature created by the signer after signing a multi-message