[][src]Macro batched_fn::batched_fn

macro_rules! batched_fn {
        handler = |$batch:ident: $batch_input_type:ty $(, $ctx_arg:ident: &$ctx_arg_ty:ty )*| -> $batch_output_type:ty $fn_body:block ;
        config = {
            max_batch_size: $max_batch_size:expr,
            delay: $delay:expr $(,)?
        context = {
            $( $ctx:ident: $ctx_init:expr ),* $(,)?
        } $(;)?
    ) => { ... };

Macro for creating a batched function.

This macro has 3 parameters: handler, config, and context.



The handler must be in the form of a closure declaration that takes a batch and any number of references to objects in the context as input and returns a different type of batch.


Within the config you must specify the max_batch_size and delay.

The batched function will wait at most delay milliseconds after receiving a single input to fill a batch of size max_batch_size. If enough inputs to fill a full batch are not received within delay milliseconds then the partial batch will be ran as-is.


Any additional reference that the handler takes as input must be defined within the context.


async fn double(x: i32) -> i32 {
    let batched_double = batched_fn! {
        handler = |batch: Vec<i32>| -> Vec<i32> {
            batch.into_iter().map(|x| x*2).collect()
        config = {
            max_batch_size: 4,
            delay: 50,
        context = {};


You can also provide an arbitrary number of additional arguments to the handler by reference. All of the objects have to be initialized in the context:

async fn multiply(x: i32) -> i32 {
    let batched_multiply = batched_fn! {
        handler = |batch: Vec<i32>, factor: &i32| -> Vec<i32> {
            batch.into_iter().map(|x| *factor * x ).collect()
        config = {
            max_batch_size: 4,
            delay: 50,
        context = {
            factor: 3,
