Function batch_codegen::task_derive [] [src]

pub fn task_derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream

Macros 1.1 implementation of #[derive(Task)]

This macro supports several attributes:

  • task_name: a unique ID for the task. e.g: #[task_name = "batch-rs:send-confirmation-email"] default value: The derived struct name
  • task_exchange: the exchange this task will be published to. e.g: #[task_exchange = "batch.example"] default value: ""
  • task_routing_key: the routing key associated to the task. e.g: #[task_routing_key = "mailer"]
  • task_timeout: Number of seconds available for the task to execute. If the time limit is exceeded, the task's process is killed and the task is marked as failed. e.g: #[task_timeout = "120"] default value: 900 (15 minutes)
  • task_retries: Number of times the task should be retried in case of error. e.g: #[task_retries = "5"] default value: 2