Macro bastion::answer[][src]

macro_rules! answer {
    ($msg:expr, $answer:expr) => { ... };

Answers to a given message, with the given answer.


// Create a new child...
Bastion::children(|children| {
    children.with_exec(|ctx: BastionContext| {
        async move {
            let msg = ctx.recv().await?;
            answer!(msg, "goodbye").unwrap();
}).expect("Couldn't create the children group.");

// now you can ask the child, from another children
let answer: Answer = ctx.ask(&child_ref.addr(), "hello").expect("Couldn't send the message.");

msg! { answer.await.expect("Couldn't receive the answer."),
    msg: &'static str => {
        assert_eq!(msg, "goodbye");
    _: _ => ();