Macro bastion::supervisor[][src]

macro_rules! supervisor {
    ($($keys:ident: $vals:expr,)*) => { ... };
    $strat:expr, $_:expr,
    callbacks: $cbs:expr,
    $($keys:ident: $vals:expr,)*) => { ... };
    $_:expr, $cbs:expr,
    strategy: $strat:expr,
    $($keys:ident: $vals:expr,)*) => { ... };
    (@sort, $strat:expr, $cbs:expr,) => { ... };

This macro creates a new supervisor with the given strategy and the given callbacks. Children can be specified by using the children / child macro. You can provide as many children groups as you want. Supervised supervisors are currently not yet supported.


let sp = supervisor! {
    callbacks: Callbacks::default(),
    strategy: SupervisionStrategy::OneForAll,