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High-performance, low-level framework for composing flexible web integrations.

Utilised by other Barter trading ecosystem crates to build robust financial exchange integrations, primarily for public data collection & trade execution. It is:

  • Low-Level: Translates raw data streams communicated over the web into any desired data model using arbitrary data transformations.
  • Flexible: Compatible with any protocol (WebSocket, FIX, Http, etc.), any input/output model, and any user defined transformations.

Core abstractions:

  • RestClient providing configurable signed Http communication between client & server.
  • ExchangeStream providing configurable communication over any asynchronous stream protocols (WebSocket, FIX, etc.).

Both core abstractions provide the robust glue you need to conveniently translate between server & client data models.


Utilities to assist deserialisation.
All Errors generated in Barter-Integration.
Contains the flexible Metric type used for representing real-time metrics generically.
Foundational data structures that define the building blocks used by the rest of the Barter ecosystem.
Contains StreamParser implementations for transforming communication protocol specific messages into a generic output data structure.


An ExchangeStream is a communication protocol agnostic [Stream]. It polls protocol messages from the inner [Stream], and transforms them into the desired output data structure.


Transformers are capable of transforming any Input into an iterator of Result<Self::Output, Self::Error>s.
Validators are capable of determining if their internal state is satisfactory to fulfill some use case defined by the implementor.