Expand description

Authorize using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow

For example:

use azure_identity::client_credentials_flow;
use azure_core::Url;

use std::env;
use std::error::Error;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let client_id =
        env::var("CLIENT_ID").expect("Missing CLIENT_ID environment variable.");
    let client_secret =
        env::var("CLIENT_SECRET").expect("Missing CLIENT_SECRET environment variable.");
    let tenant_id = env::var("TENANT_ID").expect("Missing TENANT_ID environment variable.");
    let scope =
        env::var("SCOPE").expect("Missing SCOPE environment variable.");

    let http_client = azure_core::new_http_client();
    // This will give you the final token to use in authorization.
    let token = client_credentials_flow::perform(

You can learn more about this authorization flow here.


  • Perform the client credentials flow