Crate azservicebus

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An unofficial and experimental AMQP 1.0 client for Azure Service Bus.

This crate follows a similar structure to the dotnet sdk (Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus) and provides more features than azure_messaging_servicebus. The list of supported Service Bus features can be found below (Supported Service Bus Features). A complete comparison of supported features in REST client and AMQP 1.0 client can be found here.

Because this crate currently lives in a fork of azure-sdk-for-rust and GitHub doesn’t seem to allow raising issue in forks. Please use the upstream AMQP 1.0 crate fe2o3-amqp GitHub repo should you have any issue/feature request.



Below are two examples of sending and receiving messages from a queue. More examples can be found in the examples

Send messages to queue

use azservicebus::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Replace "<NAMESPACE-CONNECTION-STRING>" with your connection string,
    // which can be found in the Azure portal and should look like
    // "Endpoint=sb://<NAMESPACE>;SharedAccessKeyName=<KEY_NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<KEY_VALUE>"
    let mut client = ServiceBusClient::new(

    // Replace "<QUEUE-NAME>" with the name of your queue
    let mut sender = client.create_sender(

    // Create a batch
    let mut message_batch = sender.create_message_batch(Default::default())?;

    for i in 0..3 {
        // Create a message
        let message = ServiceBusMessage::new(format!("Message {}", i));
        // Try to add the message to the batch
        if let Err(e) = message_batch.try_add_message(message) {
            // If the batch is full, an error will be returned
            println!("Failed to add message {} to batch: {:?}", i, e);

    // Send the batch of messages to the queue
    match sender.send_message_batch(message_batch).await {
        Ok(()) => println!("Batch sent successfully"),
        Err(e) => println!("Failed to send batch: {:?}", e),



Receive messages from queue

use azservicebus::prelude::*;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    // Replace "<NAMESPACE-CONNECTION-STRING>" with your connection string,
    // which can be found in the Azure portal and should look like
    // "Endpoint=sb://<NAMESPACE>;SharedAccessKeyName=<KEY_NAME>;SharedAccessKey=<KEY_VALUE>"
    let mut client = ServiceBusClient::new(

    // Replace "<QUEUE-NAME>" with the name of your queue
    let mut receiver = client.create_receiver_for_queue(

    // Receive messages from the queue
    // This will wait indefinitely until at least one message is received
    let messages = receiver.receive_messages(3).await?;

    for message in &messages {
        let body = message.body()?;
        println!("Received message: {:?}", std::str::from_utf8(body)?);

        // Complete the message so that it is removed from the queue



Supported Service Bus Features

Below shows supported Service Bus features

Send messages to queue/topicYes
Receive messages from queue/subscriptionYes
Session receivers for queue/subscriptionYes
Schedule messagesYes
Cancel scheduled messagesYes
Peek messagesYes
Complete messagesYes
Abandon messagesYes
Defer messagesYes
Receive deferred messagesYes
Dead-letter messagesYes
Receive dead-lettered messagesYes
Manage rule filters for subscriptionsYes
Lock renewalYes
TransactionNot yet
ProcessorNot yet
Session processorNot yet

TLS Support

Communication between a client application and an Azure Service Bus namespace is encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS). The TLS implementation is exposed to the user through the corresponding feature flags (please see the feature flag section below). The user should ensure either the rustls or native-tls feature is enabled, and one and only one TLS implementation is enabled. Enabling both features is not supported and will result in a compile-time error.

The native-tls feature is enabled by default, and it will use the native-tls crate to provide TLS support. The rustls feature will use the rustls crate and webpki-roots crate to provide TLS support.

Feature flags

This crate supports the following feature flags:

defaultEnables “native-tls” feature
rustlsEnables the use of the rustls crate for TLS support
native-tlsEnables the use of the native-tls crate for TLS support
transactionThis is reserved for future support of transaction and is not implemented yet

WebAssembly Support

This crate currently does not support WebAssembly but is planned for the future.

MSRV (Minimum Supported Rust Version)

1.65.0 is the MSRV for this crate because it uses generic associated types.


pub use prelude::*;


Administration primitives including subscription rule filters.
AMQP implementation and error types.
Authorization primitives.
Client and client configuration options for Azure Service Bus.
Core trait abstractions and a basic retry policy implementation.
Primitive types for Azure Service Bus.
Receiver for Service Bus queues and subscriptions.
rule_managerrustls and non-native-tls, or native-tls and non-rustls
Rule manager for Service Bus subscriptions.
Sender for Service Bus queues and topics.