az-vminfo 1.2.0

A basic CLI utility to grab useful Virtual Machine metadata and instance data from the Azure Cloud using the Resouce Graph API
az-vminfo-1.2.0 is not a library.


A Rust utility that pulls useful virtual machine metadata and instance data from a configured Azure tenant using the Azure Resource Graph API(s)



The instructions to install assume you have the rust toolkit installed. You can install them using rustup

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

note: you will also need openssl-devel on RHEL or libssl-devel on Ubuntu/Fedora

Install with Cargo

cargo install az-vminfo

Install from Source

# clone the project
git clone && cd ./azure-vminfo

# install
cargo install --path .


A simple utility written in Rust to pull useful virtual machine info from a configured Azure tenant using the Azure Resource Graph APIs

Usage: vminfo [OPTIONS] [vm_name_or_regexp]...

  [vm_name_or_regexp]...  Specifies one or more VM name(s) or a regular expression to match VM(s)

Use --help to get a full list of options that can be used

Maintainer(s) / Contributor(s)