Module aya::maps

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Data structures used to setup and share data with eBPF programs.

The eBPF platform provides data structures - maps in eBPF speak - that are used to setup and share data with eBPF programs. When you call Bpf::load_file or Bpf::load, all the maps defined in the eBPF code get initialized and can then be accessed using Bpf::map and Bpf::map_mut.

Typed maps

The eBPF API includes many map types each supporting different operations. Bpf::map and Bpf::map_mut always return the opaque MapRef and MapRefMut types respectively. Those two types can be converted to typed maps using the TryFrom trait. For example:

use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use aya::maps::SockMap;
use aya::programs::SkMsg;

let intercept_egress = SockMap::try_from(bpf.map_mut("INTERCEPT_EGRESS")?)?;
let prog: &mut SkMsg = bpf.program_mut("intercept_egress_packet").unwrap().try_into()?;

Maps and Pod values

Many map operations copy data from kernel space to user space and vice versa. Because of that, all map values must be plain old data and therefore implement the Pod trait.


pub use queue::Queue;
pub use stack::Stack;
pub use stack_trace::StackTraceMap;


Array types.

A Bloom Filter.

Hash map types.

A LPM Trie.

Ring buffer types used to receive events from eBPF programs using the linux perf API.

A FIFO queue.

Socket maps.

A LIFO stack.

A hash map of kernel or user space stack traces.


A fixed-size array.

A hash map that can be shared between eBPF programs and user space.

A generic handle to a BPF map.

Iterator returned by map.iter().

Iterator returned by map.keys().

A borrowed reference to a BPF map.

A mutable borrowed reference to a BPF map.

A per-CPU fixed-size array.

Similar to HashMap but each CPU holds a separate value for a given key. Tipically used to minimize lock contention in eBPF programs.

A slice of per-CPU values.

A map that can be used to receive events from eBPF programs using the linux perf API.

An array of eBPF program file descriptors used as a jump table.

A hash map of TCP or UDP sockets.

An array of TCP or UDP sockets.


Errors occuring from working with Maps


An iterable map