Expand description

Designed to seamlessly integrate with Axum, this crate simplifies the process of handling multipart/form-data requests in your web application by allowing you to parse the request body into a type-safe struct.


cargo add axum_typed_multipart


Getting started

To get started you will need to define a struct with the desired fields and implement the TryFromMultipart trait. In the vast majority of cases you will want to use the derive macro to generate the implementation automatically.

To be able to derive the TryFromMultipart trait every field in the struct must implement the TryFromField trait.

The TryFromField trait is implemented by default for the following types:

If the request body is malformed the request will be aborted with an error.

An error will be returned if at least one field is missing, with the exception of Option and Vec types, which will be set respectively as Option::None and [].

use axum::http::StatusCode;
use axum::routing::post;
use axum::Router;
use axum_typed_multipart::{TryFromMultipart, TypedMultipart};

struct CreateUserRequest {
    first_name: String,
    last_name: String,

async fn create_user(data: TypedMultipart<CreateUserRequest>) -> StatusCode {
    println!("name: '{} {}'", data.first_name, data.last_name); // Your logic here.

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new().route("/users/create", post(create_user)).into_make_service();
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();

Optional fields

If a field is declared as an Option the value will default to None when the field is missing from the request body.

use axum_typed_multipart::TryFromMultipart;

struct RequestData {
    first_name: Option<String>,

Renaming fields

If you would like to assign a custom name for the source field you can use the field_name parameter of the form_data attribute.

use axum_typed_multipart::TryFromMultipart;

struct RequestData {
    #[form_data(field_name = "first_name")]
    name: Option<String>,

The rename_all parameter from the try_from_multipart attribute can be used to automatically rename each field of your struct to a specific case. It works the same way as #[serde(rename_all = "...")].

Supported cases:

  • snake_case
  • camelCase
  • PascalCase
  • kebab-case
  • lowercase
use axum_typed_multipart::TryFromMultipart;

#[try_from_multipart(rename_all = "UPPERCASE")]
struct RequestData {
   name: Option<String>, // Will be renamed to `NAME` in the request.

NOTE: If the #[form_data(field_name = "...")] attribute is specified, the rename_all rule will not be applied.

Default values

If the default parameter in the form_data attribute is present the value will be populated using the type’s Default implementation when the field is not supplied in the request.

use axum_typed_multipart::TryFromMultipart;

struct RequestData {
    name: String, // defaults to ""

Field metadata

If you need access to the field metadata (e.g. the field headers like file name or content type) you can use the FieldData struct to wrap your field.

use axum::body::Bytes;
use axum_typed_multipart::{FieldData, TryFromMultipart};

struct RequestData {
    image: FieldData<Bytes>,

Large uploads

For large uploads you can save the contents of the field to the file system using tempfile::NamedTempFile. This will efficiently stream the field data directly to the file system, without needing to fit all the data in memory. Once the upload is complete, you can then save the contents to a location of your choice. For more information check out the NamedTempFile documentation.


Field size limits for Vec fields are applied to each occurrence of the field. This means that if you have a 1GiB field limit and the field contains 5 entries, the total size of the request body will be 5GiB.


When handling large uploads you will need to increase both the request body size limit and the field size limit. The request body size limit can be increased using the DefaultBodyLimit middleware, while the field size limit can be increased using the limit parameter of the form_data attribute.

use axum::extract::DefaultBodyLimit;
use axum::http::StatusCode;
use axum::routing::post;
use axum::Router;
use axum_typed_multipart::{FieldData, TryFromMultipart, TypedMultipart};
use std::path::Path;
use tempfile::NamedTempFile;

struct UploadAssetRequest {
    // The `unlimited arguments` means that this field will be limited to the
    // total size of the request body. If you want to limit the size of this
    // field to a specific value you can also specify a limit in bytes, like
    // '5MiB' or '1GiB'.
    #[form_data(limit = "unlimited")]
    image: FieldData<NamedTempFile>,

    // This field will be limited to the default size of 1MiB.
    author: String,

async fn upload_asset(
    TypedMultipart(UploadAssetRequest { image, author }): TypedMultipart<UploadAssetRequest>,
) -> StatusCode {
    let file_name = image.metadata.file_name.unwrap_or(String::from("data.bin"));
    let path = Path::new("/tmp").join(author).join(file_name);

    match image.contents.persist(path) {
        Ok(_) => StatusCode::CREATED,
        Err(_) => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new()
        .route("/", post(upload_asset))
        // The default axum body size limit is 2MiB, so we increase it to 1GiB.
        .layer(DefaultBodyLimit::max(1024 * 1024 * 1024))

    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();


If the incoming request will include multiple fields that share the same name (AKA lists) the field can be declared as a Vec, allowing for all occurrences of the field to be stored.


Field size limits for Vec fields are applied to each occurrence of the field. This means that if you have a 1GiB field limit and the field contains 5 entries, the total size of the request body will be 5GiB.

use axum::http::StatusCode;
use axum_typed_multipart::{TryFromMultipart, TypedMultipart};

struct RequestData {
    names: Vec<String>,

Strict mode

By default the derive macro will store the last occurrence of a field and it will ignore unknown fields. This behavior can be changed by using the strict parameter in the derive macro. This will make the macro throw an error if the request contains multiple fields with the same name or if it contains unknown fields. In addition when using strict mode sending fields with a missing or empty name will result in an error.

use axum_typed_multipart::TryFromMultipart;

struct RequestData {
    name: String,


axum_typed_multipart also supports custom enum parsing by deriving the TryFromField trait:

use axum_typed_multipart::{TryFromField, TryFromMultipart};

enum Sex {

struct Person {
    name: String,
    sex: Sex,

Enum fields can be renamed in two ways:

use axum_typed_multipart::TryFromField;

// Using the `#[try_from_field(rename_all = "...")]` renaming attribute.
// It works the same as way as the `TryFromMultipart` implementation.
#[try_from_field(rename_all = "snake_case")]
enum AccountType {
    // Or using the `#[field(rename = "...")]` attribute.
    #[field(rename = "administrator")]

Custom types

If you would like to use a custom type for a field you need to implement the TryFromField trait for your type. This will allow the derive macro to generate the TryFromMultipart implementation automatically. Instead of implementing the trait directly, it is recommended to implement the TryFromChunks trait and the TryFromField trait will be implemented automatically. This is recommended since you won’t need to manually implement the size limit logic.

To implement the TryFromChunks trait for external types you will need to create a newtype wrapper and implement the trait for the wrapper.

Custom error format

When using TypedMultipart as an argument for your handlers, when the request is malformed, the error will be serialized as a string. If you would like to customize the error format you can use the BaseMultipart struct instead. This struct is used internally by TypedMultipart and it can be used to customize the error type.

To customize the error you will need to define a custom error type and implement IntoResponse and From<TypedMultipartError>.

use axum::http::StatusCode;
use axum::response::{IntoResponse, Response};
use axum::routing::post;
use axum::{Json, Router};
use axum_typed_multipart::{BaseMultipart, TryFromMultipart, TypedMultipartError};
use serde::Serialize;

// Step 1: Define a custom error type.
struct CustomError {
    message: String,
    status: u16,

// Step 2: Implement `IntoResponse` for the custom error type.
impl IntoResponse for CustomError {
    fn into_response(self) -> Response {

// Step 3: Implement `From<TypedMultipartError>` for the custom error type.
impl From<TypedMultipartError> for CustomError {
    fn from(error: TypedMultipartError) -> Self {
        Self { message: error.to_string(), status: error.get_status().into() }

// Step 4: Define a type alias for the multipart request (Optional).
type CustomMultipart<T> = BaseMultipart<T, CustomError>;

struct UpdatePositionRequest {
    name: String,
    position: u32,

// Step 5: Define a handler that takes the custom multipart as argument.
// If the request is malformed, a `CustomError` will be returned.
async fn update_position(data: CustomMultipart<UpdatePositionRequest>) -> StatusCode {
    println!("name = '{}'", data.name);
    println!("position = '{}'", data.position);

async fn main() {
    let app = Router::new().route("/position/update", post(update_position)).into_make_service();
    let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("").await.unwrap();
    axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap();




Derive Macros