Module axum::prelude[][src]

Expand description

Re-exports of important traits, types, and functions used with axum. Meant to be glob imported.


pub use crate::extract;
pub use crate::handler::any;
pub use crate::handler::connect;
pub use crate::handler::delete;
pub use crate::handler::get;
pub use crate::handler::head;
pub use crate::handler::options;
pub use crate::handler::patch;
pub use crate::handler::post;
pub use crate::handler::put;
pub use crate::handler::trace;
pub use crate::handler::Handler;
pub use crate::response;
pub use crate::route;
pub use crate::routing::RoutingDsl;


A stream of Bytes, used when receiving bodies.

Represents an HTTP request.