Derive Macro axum_starter::Provider

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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implement Provider<T> for each field of the struct


use std::net::SocketAddr;
use axum_starter;
use axum_starter_macro::Provider;
#[derive(Debug, Provider)]
struct Configure {
    // this will impl `Provider<&String>`
    // because of the `ref` on container and its own `transparent`
    foo: String,
    // this will not impl provide
    bar: SocketAddr,
    // this will impl `Provide<FooBar>`
    // where `FooBar` is `struct FooBar((i32,i32));`
    // `ignore_global` will ignore the `ref` on the container
    foo_bar: (i32, i32),

fn foo_fetch(foo: &String, FooBar(foo_bar): FooBar){
    // do somethings
  • using r#ref to impl Provider provide reference instant of Owned (with clone) .Can be using on container to apply on all fields
  • using transparent to impl Provider the original type instant of generate a wrapper type. Can be using on container to apply on all fields
  • using ignore_global to ignore the ref and transparent setting on container
  • using skip to not impl Provider for this field
  • using map_to(ty , by) to adding extra provide for Type by the giving function, if the type need lifetime mark, adding lifetime = "'a", then using'a in your type for example & 'a str