Crate axum_range

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HTTP range responses for axum.

Fully generic, supports any body implementing the RangeBody trait.

Any type implementing both AsyncRead and AsyncSeekStart can be used the KnownSize adapter struct. There is also special cased support for tokio::fs::File, see the KnownSize::file method.

AsyncSeekStart is a trait defined by this crate which only allows seeking from the start of a file. It is automatically implemented for any type implementing AsyncSeek.

use axum::Router;
use axum::routing::get;
use axum_extra::TypedHeader;
use axum_extra::headers::Range;

use tokio::fs::File;

use axum_range::Ranged;
use axum_range::KnownSize;

async fn file(range: Option<TypedHeader<Range>>) -> Ranged<KnownSize<File>> {
    let file = File::open("The Sims 1 - The Complete Collection.rar").await.unwrap();
    let body = KnownSize::file(file).await.unwrap();
    let range =|TypedHeader(range)| range);
    Ranged::new(range, body)

async fn main() {
    // build our application with a single route
    let _app = Router::<()>::new().route("/", get(file));

    // run it with hyper on localhost:3000
    #[cfg(feature = "run_server_in_example")]

