Crate axiom_rs

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The Rust SDK for Axiom.

If you’re just getting started, take a look at the Client. It contains all methods you’ll need to interact with the API.


use axiom_rs::{Client, Error};
use serde_json::json;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let client = Client::new()?;

    // Create a dataset called my-dataset
    let dataset = client.datasets().create("my-dataset", "a description").await?;

    // Ingest one event
    client.ingest(&, vec![
        json!({"foo": "bar"})

    // Query the dataset
    let query_res = client.query(r#"['my-dataset']"#, None).await?;

    // Delete the dataset




  • Manage datasets, ingest data and query it.
  • The top-level client for the Axiom API.
  • Manage datasets, ingest data and query it.
  • Error type definitions.
  • Rate-limit type definitions.
  • Manage users and roles.