Expand description

All operations that this crate can perform.


Operation customization and supporting types


Operation shape for CreateAssistant.
Operation shape for CreateAssistantAssociation.
Operation shape for CreateContent.
Operation shape for CreateKnowledgeBase.
Operation shape for CreateSession.
Operation shape for DeleteAssistant.
Operation shape for DeleteAssistantAssociation.
Operation shape for DeleteContent.
Operation shape for DeleteKnowledgeBase.
Operation shape for GetAssistant.
Operation shape for GetAssistantAssociation.
Operation shape for GetContent.
Operation shape for GetContentSummary.
Operation shape for GetKnowledgeBase.
Operation shape for GetRecommendations.
Operation shape for GetSession.
Operation shape for ListAssistantAssociations.
Operation shape for ListAssistants.
Operation shape for ListContents.
Operation shape for ListKnowledgeBases.
Operation shape for ListTagsForResource.
Operation shape for NotifyRecommendationsReceived.
Operation shape for PutFeedback.
Operation shape for QueryAssistant.
Operation shape for RemoveKnowledgeBaseTemplateUri.
Operation shape for SearchContent.
Operation shape for SearchSessions.
Operation shape for StartContentUpload.
Operation shape for TagResource.
Operation shape for UntagResource.
Operation shape for UpdateContent.
Operation shape for UpdateKnowledgeBaseTemplateUri.