Module aws_sdk_textract::model[][src]

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Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs.



A Block represents items that are recognized in a document within a group

The bounding box around the detected page, text, key-value pair, table, table cell, or

The input document, either as bytes or as an S3 object.

The Amazon S3 bucket that contains the document to be processed. It's used by asynchronous

Information about the input document.

An object used to store information about the Value or Label detected by Amazon Textract.

The structure holding all the information returned by AnalyzeExpense

Breakdown of detected information, seperated into

An object used to store information about the Type detected by Amazon Textract.

Information about where the following items are located on a document page: detected

Shows the results of the human in the loop evaluation. If there is no HumanLoopArn, the

Sets up the human review workflow the document will be sent to if one of the conditions

Allows you to set attributes of the image. Currently, you can declare an image as free

A structure that holds information about the different lines found in a document's tables.

A grouping of tables which contain LineItems, with each table identified by the table's LineItemGroupIndex.

The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to which Amazon Textract publishes the completion status of

Sets whether or not your output will go to a user created bucket. Used to set the name

The X and Y coordinates of a point on a document page. The X and Y

Information about how blocks are related to each other. A Block object

The S3 bucket name and file name that identifies the document.

A warning about an issue that occurred during asynchronous text analysis (StartDocumentAnalysis) or asynchronous document text detection (StartDocumentTextDetection).
