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Errors that can occur when calling the service.



Error type for the CancelRotateSecret operation.

Error type for the CreateSecret operation.

Secrets Manager can't decrypt the protected secret text using the provided KMS key.

Error type for the DeleteResourcePolicy operation.

Error type for the DeleteSecret operation.

Error type for the DescribeSecret operation.

Secrets Manager can't encrypt the protected secret text using the provided KMS key. Check that the KMS key is available, enabled, and not in an invalid state. For more information, see Key state: Effect on your KMS key.

Error type for the GetRandomPassword operation.

Error type for the GetResourcePolicy operation.

Error type for the GetSecretValue operation.

An error occurred on the server side.

The NextToken value is invalid.

The parameter name or value is invalid.

A parameter value is not valid for the current state of the resource.

The request failed because it would exceed one of the Secrets Manager quotas.

Error type for the ListSecretVersionIds operation.

Error type for the ListSecrets operation.

The resource policy has syntax errors.

The request failed because you did not complete all the prerequisite steps.

The BlockPublicPolicy parameter is set to true, and the resource policy did not prevent broad access to the secret.

Error type for the PutResourcePolicy operation.

Error type for the PutSecretValue operation.

Error type for the RemoveRegionsFromReplication operation.

Error type for the ReplicateSecretToRegions operation.

A resource with the ID you requested already exists.

Secrets Manager can't find the resource that you asked for.

Error type for the RestoreSecret operation.

Error type for the RotateSecret operation.

Error type for the StopReplicationToReplica operation.

Error type for the TagResource operation.

Error type for the UntagResource operation.

Error type for the UpdateSecret operation.

Error type for the UpdateSecretVersionStage operation.

Error type for the ValidateResourcePolicy operation.


Types of errors that can occur for the CancelRotateSecret operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateSecret operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteResourcePolicy operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteSecret operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeSecret operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetRandomPassword operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetResourcePolicy operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetSecretValue operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListSecretVersionIds operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListSecrets operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the PutResourcePolicy operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the PutSecretValue operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the RemoveRegionsFromReplication operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ReplicateSecretToRegions operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the RestoreSecret operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the RotateSecret operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the StopReplicationToReplica operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the TagResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UntagResource operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateSecret operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateSecretVersionStage operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ValidateResourcePolicy operation.