Struct aws_sdk_resiliencehub::client::Client

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pub struct Client { /* private fields */ }
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Client for AWS Resilience Hub

Client for invoking operations on AWS Resilience Hub. Each operation on AWS Resilience Hub is a method on this this struct. .send() MUST be invoked on the generated operations to dispatch the request to the service.

§Constructing a Client

A Config is required to construct a client. For most use cases, the aws-config crate should be used to automatically resolve this config using aws_config::load_from_env(), since this will resolve an SdkConfig which can be shared across multiple different AWS SDK clients. This config resolution process can be customized by calling aws_config::from_env() instead, which returns a ConfigLoader that uses the builder pattern to customize the default config.

In the simplest case, creating a client looks as follows:

let config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
let client = aws_sdk_resiliencehub::Client::new(&config);

Occasionally, SDKs may have additional service-specific values that can be set on the Config that is absent from SdkConfig, or slightly different settings for a specific client may be desired. The Config struct implements From<&SdkConfig>, so setting these specific settings can be done as follows:

let sdk_config = ::aws_config::load_from_env().await;
let config = aws_sdk_resiliencehub::config::Builder::from(&sdk_config)

See the aws-config docs and Config for more information on customizing configuration.

Note: Client construction is expensive due to connection thread pool initialization, and should be done once at application start-up.

§Using the Client

A client has a function for every operation that can be performed by the service. For example, the AddDraftAppVersionResourceMappings operation has a Client::add_draft_app_version_resource_mappings, function which returns a builder for that operation. The fluent builder ultimately has a send() function that returns an async future that returns a result, as illustrated below:

let result = client.add_draft_app_version_resource_mappings()

The underlying HTTP requests that get made by this can be modified with the customize_operation function on the fluent builder. See the customize module for more information.



impl Client


pub fn add_draft_app_version_resource_mappings( &self ) -> AddDraftAppVersionResourceMappingsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the AddDraftAppVersionResourceMappings operation.


impl Client


pub fn batch_update_recommendation_status( &self ) -> BatchUpdateRecommendationStatusFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the BatchUpdateRecommendationStatus operation.


impl Client


pub fn create_app(&self) -> CreateAppFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateApp operation.


impl Client


pub fn create_app_version_app_component( &self ) -> CreateAppVersionAppComponentFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateAppVersionAppComponent operation.


impl Client


pub fn create_app_version_resource( &self ) -> CreateAppVersionResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateAppVersionResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn create_recommendation_template( &self ) -> CreateRecommendationTemplateFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateRecommendationTemplate operation.


impl Client


pub fn create_resiliency_policy(&self) -> CreateResiliencyPolicyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the CreateResiliencyPolicy operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_app(&self) -> DeleteAppFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteApp operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_app_assessment(&self) -> DeleteAppAssessmentFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteAppAssessment operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_app_input_source(&self) -> DeleteAppInputSourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteAppInputSource operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_app_version_app_component( &self ) -> DeleteAppVersionAppComponentFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteAppVersionAppComponent operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_app_version_resource( &self ) -> DeleteAppVersionResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteAppVersionResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_recommendation_template( &self ) -> DeleteRecommendationTemplateFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteRecommendationTemplate operation.


impl Client


pub fn delete_resiliency_policy(&self) -> DeleteResiliencyPolicyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DeleteResiliencyPolicy operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_app(&self) -> DescribeAppFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeApp operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_app_assessment(&self) -> DescribeAppAssessmentFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeAppAssessment operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_app_version(&self) -> DescribeAppVersionFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeAppVersion operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_app_version_app_component( &self ) -> DescribeAppVersionAppComponentFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeAppVersionAppComponent operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_app_version_resource( &self ) -> DescribeAppVersionResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeAppVersionResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_app_version_resources_resolution_status( &self ) -> DescribeAppVersionResourcesResolutionStatusFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeAppVersionResourcesResolutionStatus operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_app_version_template( &self ) -> DescribeAppVersionTemplateFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeAppVersionTemplate operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
  • On success, responds with DescribeAppVersionTemplateOutput with field(s):
    • app_arn(String):

      Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Resilience Hub application. The format for this ARN is: arn:partition:resiliencehub:region:account:app/app-id. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.

    • app_version(String):

      The version of the application.

    • app_template_body(String):

      A JSON string that provides information about your application structure. To learn more about the appTemplateBody template, see the sample template provided in the Examples section.

      The appTemplateBody JSON string has the following structure:

      • resources

        The list of logical resources that must be included in the Resilience Hub application.

        Type: Array

        Don’t add the resources that you want to exclude.

        Each resources array item includes the following fields:

        • logicalResourceId

          Logical identifier of the resource.

          Type: Object

          Each logicalResourceId object includes the following fields:

          • identifier

            Identifier of the resource.

            Type: String

          • logicalStackName

            The name of the CloudFormation stack this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • resourceGroupName

            The name of the resource group this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • terraformSourceName

            The name of the Terraform S3 state file this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • eksSourceName

            Name of the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster and namespace this resource belongs to.

            This parameter accepts values in “eks-cluster/namespace” format.

            Type: String

        • type

          The type of resource.

          Type: string

        • name

          The name of the resource.

          Type: String

        • additionalInfo

          Additional configuration parameters for an Resilience Hub application. If you want to implement additionalInfo through the Resilience Hub console rather than using an API call, see Configure the application configuration parameters.

          Currently, this parameter accepts a key-value mapping (in a string format) of only one failover region and one associated account.

          Key: “failover-regions”

          Value: “[{“region”:“<REGION>”, “accounts”:[{“id”:“<ACCOUNT_ID>”}]}]“

      • appComponents

        List of Application Components that this resource belongs to. If an Application Component is not part of the Resilience Hub application, it will be added.

        Type: Array

        Each appComponents array item includes the following fields:

        • name

          Name of the Application Component.

          Type: String

        • type

          Type of Application Component. For more information about the types of Application Component, see Grouping resources in an AppComponent.

          Type: String

        • resourceNames

          The list of included resources that are assigned to the Application Component.

          Type: Array of strings

        • additionalInfo

          Additional configuration parameters for an Resilience Hub application. If you want to implement additionalInfo through the Resilience Hub console rather than using an API call, see Configure the application configuration parameters.

          Currently, this parameter accepts a key-value mapping (in a string format) of only one failover region and one associated account.

          Key: “failover-regions”

          Value: “[{“region”:“<REGION>”, “accounts”:[{“id”:“<ACCOUNT_ID>”}]}]“

      • excludedResources

        The list of logical resource identifiers to be excluded from the application.

        Type: Array

        Don’t add the resources that you want to include.

        Each excludedResources array item includes the following fields:

        • logicalResourceIds

          Logical identifier of the resource.

          Type: Object

          You can configure only one of the following fields:

          • logicalStackName

          • resourceGroupName

          • terraformSourceName

          • eksSourceName

          Each logicalResourceIds object includes the following fields:

          • identifier

            Identifier of the resource.

            Type: String

          • logicalStackName

            The name of the CloudFormation stack this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • resourceGroupName

            The name of the resource group this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • terraformSourceName

            The name of the Terraform S3 state file this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • eksSourceName

            Name of the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster and namespace this resource belongs to.

            This parameter accepts values in “eks-cluster/namespace” format.

            Type: String

      • version

        Resilience Hub application version.

      • additionalInfo

        Additional configuration parameters for an Resilience Hub application. If you want to implement additionalInfo through the Resilience Hub console rather than using an API call, see Configure the application configuration parameters.

        Currently, this parameter accepts a key-value mapping (in a string format) of only one failover region and one associated account.

        Key: “failover-regions”

        Value: “[{“region”:“<REGION>”, “accounts”:[{“id”:“<ACCOUNT_ID>”}]}]“

  • On failure, responds with SdkError<DescribeAppVersionTemplateError>

impl Client


pub fn describe_draft_app_version_resources_import_status( &self ) -> DescribeDraftAppVersionResourcesImportStatusFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeDraftAppVersionResourcesImportStatus operation.


impl Client


pub fn describe_resiliency_policy( &self ) -> DescribeResiliencyPolicyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the DescribeResiliencyPolicy operation.


impl Client


pub fn import_resources_to_draft_app_version( &self ) -> ImportResourcesToDraftAppVersionFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ImportResourcesToDraftAppVersion operation.


impl Client


pub fn list_alarm_recommendations( &self ) -> ListAlarmRecommendationsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAlarmRecommendations operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_assessment_compliance_drifts( &self ) -> ListAppAssessmentComplianceDriftsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppAssessmentComplianceDrifts operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_assessments(&self) -> ListAppAssessmentsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppAssessments operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_component_compliances( &self ) -> ListAppComponentCompliancesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppComponentCompliances operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_component_recommendations( &self ) -> ListAppComponentRecommendationsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppComponentRecommendations operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_input_sources(&self) -> ListAppInputSourcesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppInputSources operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_version_app_components( &self ) -> ListAppVersionAppComponentsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppVersionAppComponents operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_version_resource_mappings( &self ) -> ListAppVersionResourceMappingsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppVersionResourceMappings operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_version_resources(&self) -> ListAppVersionResourcesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppVersionResources operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_app_versions(&self) -> ListAppVersionsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListAppVersions operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_apps(&self) -> ListAppsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListApps operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_recommendation_templates( &self ) -> ListRecommendationTemplatesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListRecommendationTemplates operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_resiliency_policies(&self) -> ListResiliencyPoliciesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListResiliencyPolicies operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_sop_recommendations(&self) -> ListSopRecommendationsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListSopRecommendations operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_suggested_resiliency_policies( &self ) -> ListSuggestedResiliencyPoliciesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListSuggestedResiliencyPolicies operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_tags_for_resource(&self) -> ListTagsForResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListTagsForResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn list_test_recommendations(&self) -> ListTestRecommendationsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListTestRecommendations operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn list_unsupported_app_version_resources( &self ) -> ListUnsupportedAppVersionResourcesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ListUnsupportedAppVersionResources operation. This operation supports pagination; See into_paginator().


impl Client


pub fn publish_app_version(&self) -> PublishAppVersionFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the PublishAppVersion operation.


impl Client


pub fn put_draft_app_version_template( &self ) -> PutDraftAppVersionTemplateFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the PutDraftAppVersionTemplate operation.

  • The fluent builder is configurable:
    • app_arn(impl Into<String>) / set_app_arn(Option<String>):
      required: true

      Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Resilience Hub application. The format for this ARN is: arn:partition:resiliencehub:region:account:app/app-id. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.

    • app_template_body(impl Into<String>) / set_app_template_body(Option<String>):
      required: true

      A JSON string that provides information about your application structure. To learn more about the appTemplateBody template, see the sample template provided in the Examples section.

      The appTemplateBody JSON string has the following structure:

      • resources

        The list of logical resources that must be included in the Resilience Hub application.

        Type: Array

        Don’t add the resources that you want to exclude.

        Each resources array item includes the following fields:

        • logicalResourceId

          Logical identifier of the resource.

          Type: Object

          Each logicalResourceId object includes the following fields:

          • identifier

            Identifier of the resource.

            Type: String

          • logicalStackName

            The name of the CloudFormation stack this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • resourceGroupName

            The name of the resource group this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • terraformSourceName

            The name of the Terraform S3 state file this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • eksSourceName

            Name of the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster and namespace this resource belongs to.

            This parameter accepts values in “eks-cluster/namespace” format.

            Type: String

        • type

          The type of resource.

          Type: string

        • name

          The name of the resource.

          Type: String

        • additionalInfo

          Additional configuration parameters for an Resilience Hub application. If you want to implement additionalInfo through the Resilience Hub console rather than using an API call, see Configure the application configuration parameters.

          Currently, this parameter accepts a key-value mapping (in a string format) of only one failover region and one associated account.

          Key: “failover-regions”

          Value: “[{“region”:“<REGION>”, “accounts”:[{“id”:“<ACCOUNT_ID>”}]}]“

      • appComponents

        List of Application Components that this resource belongs to. If an Application Component is not part of the Resilience Hub application, it will be added.

        Type: Array

        Each appComponents array item includes the following fields:

        • name

          Name of the Application Component.

          Type: String

        • type

          Type of Application Component. For more information about the types of Application Component, see Grouping resources in an AppComponent.

          Type: String

        • resourceNames

          The list of included resources that are assigned to the Application Component.

          Type: Array of strings

        • additionalInfo

          Additional configuration parameters for an Resilience Hub application. If you want to implement additionalInfo through the Resilience Hub console rather than using an API call, see Configure the application configuration parameters.

          Currently, this parameter accepts a key-value mapping (in a string format) of only one failover region and one associated account.

          Key: “failover-regions”

          Value: “[{“region”:“<REGION>”, “accounts”:[{“id”:“<ACCOUNT_ID>”}]}]“

      • excludedResources

        The list of logical resource identifiers to be excluded from the application.

        Type: Array

        Don’t add the resources that you want to include.

        Each excludedResources array item includes the following fields:

        • logicalResourceIds

          Logical identifier of the resource.

          Type: Object

          You can configure only one of the following fields:

          • logicalStackName

          • resourceGroupName

          • terraformSourceName

          • eksSourceName

          Each logicalResourceIds object includes the following fields:

          • identifier

            Identifier of the resource.

            Type: String

          • logicalStackName

            The name of the CloudFormation stack this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • resourceGroupName

            The name of the resource group this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • terraformSourceName

            The name of the Terraform S3 state file this resource belongs to.

            Type: String

          • eksSourceName

            Name of the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster and namespace this resource belongs to.

            This parameter accepts values in “eks-cluster/namespace” format.

            Type: String

      • version

        Resilience Hub application version.

      • additionalInfo

        Additional configuration parameters for an Resilience Hub application. If you want to implement additionalInfo through the Resilience Hub console rather than using an API call, see Configure the application configuration parameters.

        Currently, this parameter accepts a key-value mapping (in a string format) of only one failover region and one associated account.

        Key: “failover-regions”

        Value: “[{“region”:“<REGION>”, “accounts”:[{“id”:“<ACCOUNT_ID>”}]}]“

  • On success, responds with PutDraftAppVersionTemplateOutput with field(s):
  • On failure, responds with SdkError<PutDraftAppVersionTemplateError>

impl Client


pub fn remove_draft_app_version_resource_mappings( &self ) -> RemoveDraftAppVersionResourceMappingsFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the RemoveDraftAppVersionResourceMappings operation.


impl Client


pub fn resolve_app_version_resources( &self ) -> ResolveAppVersionResourcesFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the ResolveAppVersionResources operation.


impl Client


pub fn start_app_assessment(&self) -> StartAppAssessmentFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the StartAppAssessment operation.


impl Client


pub fn tag_resource(&self) -> TagResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the TagResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn untag_resource(&self) -> UntagResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UntagResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_app(&self) -> UpdateAppFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateApp operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_app_version(&self) -> UpdateAppVersionFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateAppVersion operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_app_version_app_component( &self ) -> UpdateAppVersionAppComponentFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateAppVersionAppComponent operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_app_version_resource( &self ) -> UpdateAppVersionResourceFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateAppVersionResource operation.


impl Client


pub fn update_resiliency_policy(&self) -> UpdateResiliencyPolicyFluentBuilder

Constructs a fluent builder for the UpdateResiliencyPolicy operation.


impl Client


pub fn from_conf(conf: Config) -> Self

Creates a new client from the service Config.


This method will panic in the following cases:

  • Retries or timeouts are enabled without a sleep_impl configured.
  • Identity caching is enabled without a sleep_impl and time_source configured.
  • No behavior_version is provided.

The panic message for each of these will have instructions on how to resolve them.


pub fn config(&self) -> &Config

Returns the client’s configuration.


impl Client


pub fn new(sdk_config: &SdkConfig) -> Self

Creates a new client from an SDK Config.

  • This method will panic if the sdk_config is missing an async sleep implementation. If you experience this panic, set the sleep_impl on the Config passed into this function to fix it.
  • This method will panic if the sdk_config is missing an HTTP connector. If you experience this panic, set the http_connector on the Config passed into this function to fix it.
  • This method will panic if no BehaviorVersion is provided. If you experience this panic, set behavior_version on the Config or enable the behavior-version-latest Cargo feature.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for Client


fn clone(&self) -> Client

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Client


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Client


impl !RefUnwindSafe for Client


impl Send for Client


impl Sync for Client


impl Unpin for Client


impl !UnwindSafe for Client

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<Unshared, Shared> IntoShared<Shared> for Unshared
where Shared: FromUnshared<Unshared>,


fn into_shared(self) -> Shared

Creates a shared type from an unshared type.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more