Module aws_sdk_mturk::error[][src]

Expand description

Errors that can occur when calling the service.



Error type for the AcceptQualificationRequest operation.

Error type for the ApproveAssignment operation.

Error type for the AssociateQualificationWithWorker operation.

Error type for the CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT operation.

Error type for the CreateHIT operation.

Error type for the CreateHITType operation.

Error type for the CreateHITWithHITType operation.

Error type for the CreateQualificationType operation.

Error type for the CreateWorkerBlock operation.

Error type for the DeleteHIT operation.

Error type for the DeleteQualificationType operation.

Error type for the DeleteWorkerBlock operation.

Error type for the DisassociateQualificationFromWorker operation.

Error type for the GetAccountBalance operation.

Error type for the GetAssignment operation.

Error type for the GetFileUploadURL operation.

Error type for the GetHIT operation.

Error type for the GetQualificationScore operation.

Error type for the GetQualificationType operation.

Error type for the ListAssignmentsForHIT operation.

Error type for the ListBonusPayments operation.

Error type for the ListHITs operation.

Error type for the ListHITsForQualificationType operation.

Error type for the ListQualificationRequests operation.

Error type for the ListQualificationTypes operation.

Error type for the ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation.

Error type for the ListReviewableHITs operation.

Error type for the ListWorkerBlocks operation.

Error type for the ListWorkersWithQualificationType operation.

Error type for the NotifyWorkers operation.

Error type for the RejectAssignment operation.

Error type for the RejectQualificationRequest operation.

Your request is invalid.

Error type for the SendBonus operation.

Error type for the SendTestEventNotification operation.

Amazon Mechanical Turk is temporarily unable to process your request. Try your call again.

Error type for the UpdateExpirationForHIT operation.

Error type for the UpdateHITReviewStatus operation.

Error type for the UpdateHITTypeOfHIT operation.

Error type for the UpdateNotificationSettings operation.

Error type for the UpdateQualificationType operation.


Types of errors that can occur for the AcceptQualificationRequest operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ApproveAssignment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the AssociateQualificationWithWorker operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateAdditionalAssignmentsForHIT operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateHIT operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateHITType operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateHITWithHITType operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateQualificationType operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the CreateWorkerBlock operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteHIT operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteQualificationType operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteWorkerBlock operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the DisassociateQualificationFromWorker operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetAccountBalance operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetAssignment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetFileUploadURL operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetHIT operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetQualificationScore operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the GetQualificationType operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListAssignmentsForHIT operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListBonusPayments operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListHITs operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListHITsForQualificationType operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListQualificationRequests operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListQualificationTypes operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListReviewPolicyResultsForHIT operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListReviewableHITs operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListWorkerBlocks operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the ListWorkersWithQualificationType operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the NotifyWorkers operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the RejectAssignment operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the RejectQualificationRequest operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the SendBonus operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the SendTestEventNotification operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateExpirationForHIT operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateHITReviewStatus operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateHITTypeOfHIT operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateNotificationSettings operation.

Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateQualificationType operation.