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All error types that operations can return. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.



Kinesis Video Streams has throttled the request because you have exceeded a limit. Try making the call later. For information about limits, see Kinesis Video Streams Limits.

Error type for the GetClip operation.
Error type for the GetDASHStreamingSessionURL operation.
Error type for the GetHLSStreamingSessionURL operation.
Error type for the GetImages operation.
Error type for the GetMediaForFragmentList operation.

A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used.

The codec private data in at least one of the tracks of the video stream is not valid for this operation.

One or more frames in the requested clip could not be parsed based on the specified codec.

Error type for the ListFragments operation.

No codec private data was found in at least one of tracks of the video stream.

A streaming session was requested for a stream that does not retain data (that is, has a DataRetentionInHours of 0).

Status Code: 403, The caller is not authorized to perform an operation on the given stream, or the token has expired.

GetMedia throws this error when Kinesis Video Streams can't find the stream that you specified.

An unexpected error occurred (e.g., invalid JSON returned by the service or an unknown error code).

The type of the media (for example, h.264 or h.265 video or ACC or G.711 audio) could not be determined from the codec IDs of the tracks in the first fragment for a playback session. The codec ID for track 1 should be V_MPEG/ISO/AVC and, optionally, the codec ID for track 2 should be A_AAC.


Types of errors that can occur for the GetClip operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetDASHStreamingSessionURL operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetHLSStreamingSessionURL operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetImages operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetMediaForFragmentList operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListFragments operation.