Expand description

Input structures for operations.



The request object specifying one or more DNS alias names to associate with an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.

Cancels a data repository task.

The request object for the CreateBackup operation.

The request object for the CreateFileSystemFromBackup operation.

The request object used to create a new Amazon FSx file system.

The request object for the DeleteBackup operation.

The request object for DeleteFileSystem operation.

The request object for the DescribeBackups operation.

The request object for DescribeFileSystemAliases operation.

The request object for DescribeFileSystems operation.

The request object of DNS aliases to disassociate from an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file system.

The request object for ListTagsForResource operation.

The request object for the TagResource operation.

The request object for UntagResource action.

The request object for the UpdateFileSystem operation.